Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Aleksandra Maric

Budjenje / Waking up
Ne postoji opravdanje za strvari koje sam uradila. Ne mogu da napravim vremeplov, ali ti na mene ne možeš da projektujes stvari koje se ne tiču mene. Postoji samo jedna realnost, a ja sam odlučila da joj se suočim i da je promenim. ____________________________________________________________________ I don’t have an excuse for something I’ve done. I can’t make a time machine, but you don’t have the right to make me feel that way. There is no way to undone things that I’ve done and things that I’ve said. You don’t have any right to project something on me. There is only one reality and I’ve decided to face it and change it. Buđenje, 2020. metal, ogledalo 300 x 180 x 10 cm Waking up 2020. metal and mirror 300 x 180 x 10 cm

I remember things that you’ve said. “Memento”, 2020. aluminijum i bodljikava žica 55 x 25 x 30 cm aluminium and barbed wire 55 x 25 x 30 cm

Postoje stvari na koje nisam ponosna,pa sam odlučila da ih zarobim u radu. _____________________________________________________ There are things that I can’t say, there is part of me that I’m not proud, so i have decided to enslave them into my work. Shame, 2021. metal, platno 230 x 140 x 140 cm metal and canvas 230 x 140 x 140 cm



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