Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Milos Vucicevic

Između / Between performance
Između performans / video / 13:51 / 2020 Between performance performance / video / 13:51 / 2020 Diskusija o biću i nebiću, jezik kao barijera i meditativni način promišljanja stvarnosti.Traženje istine koja stoji iza ljudskih odnosa I nefunkcionalnošću medijatora u komunikaciji. Being and non-being discussion, language as a barrier and meditative way of contemplating realities. Seeking for the truth behind human relations, concerning the existential incompletion of intermediaries in communication. Link:

Priča o odlasku II / The Story of Departure II
Priča o odlasku II video / instalacija / audio/ fotografije / 2019 The Story of Departure II video / installation / sound / photos / 2019 „Građanima Srbije nije dozvoljen boravak u Evropskoj uniji duže od tri meseca“ Ovaj rad se sastoji iz tri dela. U prvom delu je serija fotografija ispranog pasoša. U drugom delu je instalacija istog predmeta, a u trećem delu je postupak ispiranja nekih stvari koje sam doneo sa sobom iz Nemačke. ''Serbian citizens are not allowed to stay in the European Union for more than three months''.This work consists of three parts. In the first part there is a series of photos of a washout passport. In the second part there is an installation of the same object and in the third part there is a process of washing out some stuff which I have brought with me from Germany. Link:

Ostrva provincije / Provinzial Island
Ostrva provincije Rad u procesu / beleške / objekti / 2021 Provinzial Island work in progress / notes / objects / 2021 Tokom godina mog umetničkog istraživanja, nije mi padalo napamet da svoje beleške u scenariju pretvorim u umetnički predmet. Male beleške koje sam počeo da pravim po dolasku u Austriju pričaju priču o tome koliko sam radnog vremena radio u minutama, sekundama, koliko sam novca zaradio, platio stan, koliko dugujem ili ko mi koliko duguje, obaveze i dužnosti, sve je to urezano malim slovima na stranicama mojih svesaka. Određene knjige koje sam pročitao i nepoznate reči su predmet istraživanja, učenja i analize. Tokom ovog procesa uvek se preispitujem: Da li nam kontekst daje znanje ili nam mnoštvo apstraktnih celina nudi kontekst koji vodi ka razumevanju? Kako apstrakujeamo svoju stvarnost i kako možemo pričati priče sa naizgled nemogućih pozicija. During the years of my artistic research, it has never occurred to me to turn my notes in scripts, into an art object. Small notes that I started making after my arrival in Austria tell a story about how much working hours I did, minutes, seconds, how much money I earned, rent for an apartment, how much I owe or who owes me, obligations and duties, all this is engraved in small letters in the pages of my notebooks. Certain books I read and unknown letters are the subject of research, learning and analysis. During this process I always question myself: Does context give us the knowledge, or can it be that a multitude of abstract units offer us a context that leads to understanding? How we abstract our realities and how we can tell stories from seemingly impossible positions.



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