Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Željka Aleksić

Performance link for perfromace : 11' 55'' 2019 In the context of the exhibition I KNOW I CARE: Notes on Female* Reproductive Labor at. Waschhalle Wienerberg, George Washington Hof Vienna (WIENWOCHE), I presented a performance together presented a performance together with my mother. The work thematizes our role as two generations of female workers, who perform physiotherapeutic exercises prescribed by a doctor as a consequence of the difficult and long-standing working conditions. As for the work itself, the basic thesis includes the connection with the mother to which I am connected, apart from the biological factor, the fact that we were also colleagues (through work in the store). This performance is actually a demonstration exercise that he received from his neurologist, after learning about "Carpal Syndrome". It is one of the exercises, in the form of physical therapy, which is repeated on a daily basis. Carpal tunnel or syndrome is a condition in which your hands are numb, you have increased pain in your fists, and a rather uncomfortable feeling for someone who is constantly changing the temperature (hot-cold), working in a dairy and dairy products store requires it. When I came to Vienna, I realized that one of the first jobs you can get, as a "new guest worker" (regardless of the fact that you have no plans to build lions in your homeland) is the job of a cleaner. It was also one of my first jobs. Then came, in my case, the problem I face, trembling hands, pain in the fists and the like. Considering that I became a student of the Academy of Fine Arts at that time and that I began to be interested in painting, which became the medium of my expression, it is not a pleasant fact that I cannot transfer paper or canvas to some specific and precise details that I want at that time. Through this performance, I wanted to point out and present the situation that every worker can face, but in this context I give importance to what two generations of women are, with a similar acquired diagnosis related not only biologically, but also through the experience of workers. “Gledaj majku, biraj ćerku” nastao je 2019. godine za izložbu “I KNOW I CARE“. U projekat je bila uključena grupa umetnica iz različitih društveno-političkih staleža. Što se samog rada tiče, osnovna teza uključuje konekciju sa majkom za koju me veže, osim biološkog faktora, činjenica da smo bile i kolegenice (kroz rad u trgovini) . Ovaj performans je zapravo jedna pokazna vežba, koju je dobila od svog neurologa, nakon saznanja da ima “Karpalov sindrom”. To je jedna od vežbi, u vidu fizikalne terapije, koja se ponavlja na dnevnom nivou. Karpalov tunel ili sindrom je stanje u kome vam trnu ruke, imate pojačan bol u šakama, i prilično nezgodan osećaj za nekoga ko konstatno menja temperaturu (toplo-hladno), a rad u prodavnici mleka i mlečnih proizvda to iziskuje. Kada sam došla u Beč, shvatila sam da je jedan od prvih poslova koji možete da dobijete, kao “novopečeni gastarbajter” (bez obzira što nemate u planu da gradite lavove u svojoj domovini) posao čistačice. To je bio i jedan od mojih prvih poslova. Onda je došao, u mom slučaju, problem sa kojim se susrećem, drhtanje ruku, bol u šakama, i slično. S obzirom da sam u tom trenutku postala student Likovne akademije i da počinjem da se interesujem za slikarstvo, koje postaje medij mog izražavanja, nije mi baš prijala činjenica da ne mogu da prenesem na papir ili platno neke konkretne i precizne detalje koje u tom trenutku želim. Kroz ovaj performans želela sam da ukažem i prikažem stanje sa kojim se može susreti svaki radnik/radnica, ali u ovom kontekstu dajem na značaju to što su dve generacije žena, sa sličnom stečenom dijagnozom povezane ne samo biološki, nego i kroz iskustvo radnika.

Geld für das Sommersemester
Acrylic on canvas, 3-part series 2020-2021 115 cm x 75 cm each The project was created during the COVID-19 pandemic, when I lost my job. The series based on documentary portraits that I made at my workplace, where I was employed as a kitchen help. I was employed. With this statement, I started my art project, which was to end with a Study confirmation should end. With this series of paintings and the economic condition I would like to emphasize the own position of a migrant woman in Vienna I would like to add that this work is very important for me, as it will allow me to continue to develop as an artist. With this series of paintings, and economic condition I would like to emphaisise how it is easer for me to find a job as cleaner or waiter but more difficule to persue my carier in art, and therefore I deiced to start earning with my skills and education I developed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna Projekat je nastao tokom pandemije COVID-19, kada sam ostao bez posla. Serija na osnovu dokumentarnih portreta koje sam tajno napravila na svom radnom mestu, gde sam bila zaposlena kao pomoćnik u kuhinji(PLAVA LAGUNA). Ova serija slika se prodaje za iznos 746,9 e koliko zapravo košta upis za letnji semestar. Uz pomoć ovog rada prikazujem kroz auotoportrete sebe i ekonomsko stanje.Želela bih da naglasim sopstveni položaj žene(studenta) migrantkinje u Beču. Želeo bih da dodam da je ovo delo veoma važno za mene, jer će mi omogućiti da se i dalje razvijam kao umetnik. Ovom serijom slika prikazujem sebe i ekonomsko stanje, takođe bih želela da naglasim kako mi je lakše naći posao čistača ili konobara, ali ne i kao umetnik,i zato sam odlučio da počnem zarađivati svojim veštinama i obrazovanjem koje sam razvila na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Beču

Performative installation with photo documentation, objects and cheese 2017/2020 Dimensions variable Based on my 4-year experience as a saleswoman in a cheese store, I have started to work with cheese as material for my temporary sculptures. The documentary shows the process of making sculptures, shaped with the cheese I would would normally sell every day. Na osnovu svog četvorogodišnjeg iskustva kao prodavačica u mlekrari. Počela sam da pravim skulpture od sira, koji sam prodavala svakodnevno.



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