Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Luka Cvetkovic

LAMB (Istorija uvek počinje sa tobom) 2021
JAGNJE je performans projekat koji se odvijao od 27. marta do 3. aprila na Kosovu u kome sam preneo i brinuo se o jagnjetu od Jarinja (Srpskog sela na Severu) do Kačanika (Albanskog sela na juga Kosova), gde je nastavilo da živi . Performans je dokumentovan iz perspektive jagnjeta, jer je glavna ideja bila da se postavi pitanje nove subjektivnosti naspram već postojećih narativa, koncepta i projekcija i uvođenjem novog, nepolitizovanog i nekorumpiranog pogleda u sagledavanju stvarnosti i moći prevazilaženja transgeneracijske i kulturne traume. Bavi se pitanjima teritorijalizma, granica, podela, memorije, nacionalističke mitologije i ekologije, istovremeno proizvodeći nove oblike brige. Performans je uživo emitovan na Facebook stranici (https: // vvv. Kao deo performansa, novinar Vullnet Krasniqi pratio me je i pisao o tome šta je performans kreirao tokom svog trajanja. ( https://www. f LAMB (History always begins with you) | 2021 LAMB is a performance project that took place in Kosovo, from 27th March to 3th of April, in which I carried and cared for a lamb from a Serbian village in the North to an Albanian village in the South of Kosovo, where it continued living. The performance was documented from the lamb’s perspective, as the main idea was to raise the question of new subjectivity versus pre-existing narratives, concepts , and projections and bringing into discussion the new, unpoliticized, and uncorrupted view to make understanding of reality and power of overcoming transgenerational and cultural trauma. It tackles the issues of territorialism, borders, divisions, memory, nationalistic mythology, and ecology, and, at the same time, it does so by producing new forms of care. Performance was live-streamed on the Facebook page ( . As a part of the performance, a journalist Vullnet Krasniqi followed me and wrote about what performance created during the process ( ). https://www. f

Beograd-Venecija 2019
Performativna šetnja od Beograda do Venecije zajednički je osmišljen i izveden performans sa kustosem Dušanom Savić em. Šetnja je počela 29. marta, a završena na svečanom otvaranju srpskog paviljona na Venecijanskom Bijenalu 8. maja. Glavni cilj šetnje bio je protest protiv nedostatka transparentnosti u odlučivanju resornog Ministarstva i svih najnovijih saradnika koji oblikuju kulturnu politiku Srbije. Da bismo se distancirali od pasivnosti, postali smo pokretne, skrivene institucije, a publika je bila svako koga smo sreli putem. Belgrade - Venice | 2019 Performative walk from Belgrade to Venice was a jointly conceived and conducted performance by curator Dusan Savic and myself. The walk started on the 29th of March and finished at the ceremonial opening of the Serbian pavilion at the Venice Bienalle on 8th of May. The main goal of the walk was to protest against the lack of transparency in the decision-making of the line Ministry and all the latest associates who are shaping the cultural politics of Serbia. In order to distance ourselves from passivity, we became the moving, hidden institutions and the public was everyone we met along the way.

Protest1 je performans održan u Uličnoj galeriji (Beograd) 2019. Napravio sam oko 70 transparenata koji sadrže apsurdne izjave i dao ih publici na otvaranju izložbe. Iako zainteresovan da pasivnom gledaocu dam aktivnu ulogu, želeo sam da iskoristim publiku za impotentan protest, onaj koji subverzivno neće uspeti da prenese važnu poruku na pozicije moći. Posle 2 sata performans je bio završen i publika se uputila kućama. Drugi deo izložbe bila je dokumentacija performansa koja je za vreme trajanja izložbe bila u galeriji. Da li smo kolektivno telo koje protestuje zbog promene ili smo pojedinci opsednuti slikom promene. I kao takvi zadovoljstvo ostvarujemo kroz iz ideje o učešću? Protest 1 | 2019 Protest1 is a performance held in Street Gallery (Belgrade) in 2019. I made about 70 protest signs containing absurd statements and gave them to the public at the show opening as a gift. While interested in giving the passive spectator an active role, I wanted to use the audience to make an impotent protest, one that will subversively not succeed in communicating the important message to the positions of power. After 2 hours the performance was over, and everyone left home. The second part of the exhibition was the documentation of the performance which was at the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. Are we a collective body protesting for a change, or individuals obsessed with the image of a change? And as such deriving pleasure from the idea of participation?



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