Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Lazar Rodić

„Komunizam kao religija”, fotografija
Tatini roditelji su nosioci odlikovanja iz Drugog svjetskog rata. Baka je nosilac Medalje zasluge za narod,dok je djed nosilac Partizanske spomenice, Ordena bratstva i jedinstva sa srebrnim vijencem, Medalje za hrabrost i Ordena zasluge za narod. Njihova ordenja i djedov pištolj (Mauzer 7,65) iz datog rata u ovom radu formiraju krst kao osnovni simbol hrišćanstva. Zbog različitih istorijskih okolnosti, naš narod je bio izložen iskušenjima očuvanja tradicije, pa su brojni običaji nestali ili su, jednostavno, potisnuti. Naspram konzervativnih sredina koje čvrsto čuvaju običaje i vjerovanja, primjetan je pokušaj obnavljanja običajnih rituala u savremeni život. Stvarni oblici tradicionalne kulture i oni koji su proizvod naracija i sjećanja, tipični su samo u porodičnim zajednicama, tamo gdje više generacija živi pod istim krovom i gdje se obredna praksa prenosi kao dio mikroidentiteta s koljena na koljeno. "Communism as a religion", photography, ready-made My father’s parents are honored in World War II. Grandma is the carrier of the Medal of merit for the people, while the grandfather is the carrier of the Partisan commemoration, the decoration of Fraternity and Unity with a silver wreath, Medal of Courage, and decoration of Merit for the people. Their decorations and grandfather's pistol (Mauzer 7,65) from a given war in this work form a cross as the basic symbol of Christianity. Due to different historical circumstances, our people have been exposed to the temptations of preserving tradition, so many more have disappeared or are simply suppressed. In contrast to conservative environments that firmly preserve mores and beliefs, an attempt is made to restore ordinary rituals to modern life. The real forms of traditional culture and those that are the product of narratives and memories are typical only in family communities, where more generations live under the same roof and where the ritual practice is transmitted as part of the micro-identity from the knee to the knee.

„Oče naš”, video rad
Uticaj društvenog sistema je velik na razvoj samog čovjeka kao i na njegovu porodicu. Komunizam je društveni sistem u kojem je moja porodica živjela i koji je imao najveći uticaj na razvoj same porodice. Početni cilj komunističke totalitarne ideologije bio je mobilizacija društva u smislu potpuna preoblikovanja u „novo društvo“ s „ novim čovjekom“, bez Crkve i religije. Temeljni zločin komunizma je uništavanje duhovnih vrijednosti osobe, poznavanje svoje religije i tradicije, pa smo zaboravili što je normalno ljudsko i nacionalno samopoštovanje. Posljedice još živimo, umjesto da mi učimo od svojih predaka o svojoj religijskoj tradiciji situacija je obrnuta. Video rad je dokument obrnute situacije, unuka uči svog djeda molitvu „Oče naš” kao bazičnu molitvu Hrišćanstva. “Our Father”, video (duration 2 minutes) The influence of the social system is great for the development of the individual as well as for his family. Communism is a social system in which my family lived and which had the greatest impact on the development of the family itself. The initial goal of a communist totalitarian ideology was to mobilize society in the sense of a complete transformation into a "new society" with a "new man," without the Church and religion. The fundamental crime of communism is the destruction of the spiritual values of a person, the knowledge of his religion and tradition, and we have forgotten what is normal human and national self-esteem. The consequences are still living, instead of learning from our ancestors about their religious traditions, the situation is different. The work is in dialogue with the audio recording, which is the document of the different situation, granddaughter teaches his grandfather the prayer "Our Father" as the basic prayer of Christianity.

„Marka Oraškovića 20”, fotografije
Rad nosi naziv po istoimenoj adresi gdje je moja porodica osnovana. Riječ je o prvom stanu koji je bio u vlasništvu mojih roditelja, gdje je bio njihov početak stvaranja zajednice. Zgrada je srušena u bombardovanju 1995. zbog čega taj prostor ostaje samo u sjećanju, nažalost ne u mom. Ispitujem i bilježim prethodna stanja, novonastalo stanje i sjećanje koje je i te kako važno za donošenje konačnog suda. Suda koji je okrenut ka mogućnosti stanovanja, koja je uništena stvarnošću novog sistema koji je postao. Kroz ovaj rad pokušavam da se prostor otrgne zaboravu, i to kroz sjećanje i drugačiji pogled koji se najedanput prikazao. Istražujem i pokušavam da zabilježim prostor koji je imao emociju i svoj karakter u kome je nastala moja porodica. Zgrade moraju biti takve da u njima mogu prebivati ljudska tijela i misli, moraju uspostaviti veze sa prošlošću i evocirati sjećanja. Osim što nam se mjenja okruženje, mjenja nam se pamćenje vezano za određeno mjesto, što utiče na naše sjećanje koje tokom vremena postaje slabije i na kraju iščezava. “Marka Oraškovića 20”, photography The work is named after the address where my family was established. This is the first apartment that was owned by my parents and where they started creating the community. The building was destroyed in the bombing of 1995, which is why this area remains only in memory, unfortunately, not in mine. I examine and record the previous situation, the new situation, and a memory that is important for the final judgment. A judgment about the possibility of living which was destroyed by the reality of the new system that has become. Through this work, I try to protect the area not to be forgotten through the memory and a different view that suddenly appeared. I'm investigating and trying to record an area that had the emotion and the character and where my family has its roots. Buildings have to be a space where can stay human body and mind and they have to make the connection with the past and memories. Except that we are changing the environment, we are changing our memory related to a specific location, which affects our memory that over time becomes weaker and eventually disappears.



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