Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Arpad Pulai

'' Introspection''- The Army of woolen Dreamer /
'' Introspection'' The project consist of several stages of artistic research, from experimental- surreal, zoo-morphic, biomorphic, to human forms. As a result of the process, the introspective stage creates the unthinkable- imaginary forms of a human being. This limitless questioning of self through other life forms, identification of their characters with my own, is a mean to immerse into my self through others, while creating a new visual dimension. I am using the memories of analyzed self explorations for visual expression; un this way, I am making new synaptic connections or recollections into a surreal image. ‘’SUREALISAM as a defense system of a dreamer.’’ ​​​​​​​ ‘’Introspekcija" Projekat se sastoji od eksperimentalno nadrealne konstelacije, zoomorfnih, biomorfnih i ljudskih formi. Kao rezultat daljeg istraživanja, introspektivna faza stvara nezamislive – imaginarne forme ljudskog bića. Bezgranično preispitivanje sebe kroz druge životne forme, poistovećivanje sa njihovim karakternim osobinama, odnosno, duboko poniranje u sebe kroz druge forme daje novu dimenziju radu. Takav bezgranični opus analiziranih uspomena koristim u svom likovnom izrazu i na taj način stvaram nove sinaptičke veze, odnosno, sećanja koja posle povezujem u jednu nadrealnu celinu.

Biocarpet - Textile garden / Biotepih - Tekstilna bašta
Biocarpet / Textile garden My area of ​​interest is biomimicry in textiles, researching plant forms and applying them to carpet design by using a wool felting technique. The aim of the project is to create a relief structure on the carpet that will stimulate the tactile functions of the feet. The raised forms of the surface simultaneously interact with one’s visual and tactile modes of perception. The carpet replaces the natural ground in urban and enclosed areas. One of the main goals of my creative process is to merge natural forms with textile structures in order to create works that have both an aesthetic and functional application. Work process: Wool Felting The main technique I use for making woolen carpet is wet felting. To make wool fibers compact, they are placed on bubble-wrap; the wool is then treated with a soap, after which it is rinsed with cold and warm water. The resulting thermal shock, fuses the fibers together into one, compact surface. The second stage of the process is "needle felting." Here, combed wool is applied to specific areas of the carpet. The wool fibers are fixed and shaped by using a felting needle, and the carpet is subsequently soaped, rinsed and dried. Biocarpet / Tekstilna bašta Moja sfera interesovanja je biomimikrija u tekstilu, istraživanje biljnih oblika i njihova implementacija na dizajn tepiha tehnikom filcanja vune. Cilj projekta je stvoriti reljefnu strukturu na tepihu koja će podstaknuti taktilne funkcije stopala. Površinska struktura tepiha istovremeno deluje na vizualni i taktilni način percepcije. Tepih zamenjuje prirodno tlo u urbanim i zatvorenim prostorima. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva mog kreativnog procesa je spajanje prirodnih oblika sa tekstilnim strukturama kako bih stvorio tepih koji istovremeno ima estetsku i funkcionalnu primenu. Proces rada: Filcanje vune Glavna tehnika za izradu vunenog tepiha je “Mokro filcanje.” Da bi se vlakna vune sjedinila, vuna se postavlja slojevito na podlogu od vazdušaste folije, sapunja se, poliva hladnom, a potom toplom vodom, usled čega dolazi do termičkog šoka na vunenim vlaknima, i na taj način vlakna se sjedinjuju u jednu kompaktnu površinu. Drugi korak u procesu modelovanja je “ filcanje iglom.” Češljana vlakna vune se koriste poput mase koja se nanosi na željeno polje tepiha pomoću igle za filcanje. Potom se vunena vlakna fiksiraju i modeluju. Na kraju procesa tepih se dodatno sapunja, ispira i suši.

Super-Ego-logic of man / Super-Ego-logija čoveka
Super-Ego-logija čoveka Umetnički rad pod nazivom Super-Ego- logija čoveka se bavi pojmom samoaktualizacije kao društvenog fenomena. Ovakva socijalna pojava koja teži idealizmu, savršenom stanju uma i tela, može u velikoj meri da poprimi i patološke oblike ponašanja. U radu je plastično prikazana samoaktuelizacija društva koji postavlja sebi za pitanje da li je vizija savršenog bića i njenih ideala približno ista za svakog pojedinca? Do kojih granica se ambicije pune dobrih namera mogu preokrenuti i učiniti devijantnim? Koliko su i da li su podsvesno- nesvesne radnje jedan oblik autodestrukcije, odnosno atak ili prevrat na sopstveno biće proizvod naše samoaktualizacije? Rezultat, odnosno odgovor na samoaktualizaciju iz koje proizilaze sve ljudske devijacije je plastično skulptoralna figura čoveka sa dodatnim elementima kao što je njegova treća ruka koje je upotpunjuju. Ishod je predstava čoveka kao nadograđenog -boljeg bića, a opet uprkos svemu deformisanog fizičkog izgleda. Kroz različite uglove sagledavanja ovakve predstave čoveka kao i kroz lična opažanja nameće se pitanje šta je u suštini od svega navedenog istina i koja je to granica i kada se samoaktuealizacija čoveka čini ispravnim postupkom, a kada pogrešnim. Postavlja se i pitanje da li treća ruka kao simbol samoaktualizacije predstavlja prednost ili manu pojedinca?­ Super-Ego-logic of man A work of art entitled Super-Egology of Man deals with the notion of self-actualization as a social phenomenon. A social phenomenon that strives for idealism and perfect state of mind and body, can easily take pathological forms of behavior. The work of art strikingly plastically presents the self-actualization of society, which raises a question of whether the vision of a perfect being and its ideals is approximately the same for each individual? To what extent can ambitions, full of good intentions, be reversed and made deviant? To what extent and are subconscious-unconscious actions a form of self-destruction, that is an attack or a coup on one's own being, a product of our self-actualization? The result, that is, the answer to the self-actualization from which all human deviations arise, is a plastic sculptural figure of a man with additional elements such as his third hand that complete it. The outcome is the representation of man as an upgraded -superior being, and yet still with a deformed physical appearance. Through different ways of reading of such an representation of man, as well as through personal observations, the question arises: what is essentially true of all the above mentioned and what is the limit when self-actualization of man seems to be the right procedure, and when wrong. The question also arises as to whether the third hand, as a symbol of self-actualization, represents an advantage or a disadvantage of an individual?



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