Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Milija Čpajak

Osinje gnezdo
“Osinje gnezdo” je rad inspirisan situacijom opasnosti. Trenucima u kojima savremen covek koji stremi komforu ima sve manje prilike da učestvuje. Skulptura je velika i preteća, nema za cilj da podstakne kontemplaciju već nasuprot izoštravanje čula. Poput osećaja kada smo u šumi izloženi nekom neočekivanom događaju koji nas razbudi. “Hornets’ nest” is a work inspired by a situation of danger. Moments in which contemporary man who strives for comfort has less chance in attending. The sculpture is huge and threatening, it does not have a contemplative nature, but rather it sharpens our senses. Just like the feeling when we are suddenly exposed to some unexpected event in the forest which awaken us.

Rooftop pots
“Krovne saksije” su napravljene sa idejom da sačuvaju korvni materijal koji bi inače bio bačen, jer jednom kada se ošteti teško ga je reciklirati. Došao sam do dizajna koji čuva povoljne osobine ovog materijala, kao njiegov oblik, teksturu, trajnost I mogućnost izlaganja spoljašnjim uslovima. Jednostavnim procesom spajanja i dodavanja dna, material se može ponovo upotrebljavati. Ponekad nema potrebe za puno truda da bi se napravili novi proizvodi, kada jednostavnom intervencijom, možemo dati novi značaj već postojećim oblicima i materijalima. The “rooftop pots” are designed to salvage the particular rooftop fibre cement sheets that would otherwise be discarded; once they crack it is difficult to recycle them. I came up with a design that preserves the wonderful properties of these sheets, such as their curves, textures, durability and suitability for outdoor use. By a simple process of fixing them together and adding a bottom, they are rendered useful once again, as planting pots. Sometimes there is no need to put huge effort in fabricating new products when it is possible to use creativity and, with slight intervention, add new values and purposes to already existing forms and materials.

Ovaj rad pod nazivom “kap” predstavlja objekat u svom najekstremnijem obliku. Cilj nije bio napraviti rad sa harmoničnim rasporedom likovnih elemenata, vec nasuprot profilisati jednu vrstu oblika u svom maksimalnom potencijalu. This work under the name “drop” represent an object in its most extreme shape. The goal was not to make a work with harmoniously arranged elements, but the contrary, to portrait one kind of shape in its maximized potential.



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