Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Milica Mila Ristić

Let/ Flight
Auter Benks (eng. Outer Banks), OBX je skupina ostrva u državi Severnoj Karolini i jugoistocnoj Virdžiniji u SAD, popularna turistička destinacija poznata po peskovitim plažama i bogatoj istoriji. OBX je mesto prvog uspešnog naseljavanja Evropljana u Novom svetu. 1587. u Roanoak koloniji rođena je Virdžinija Der, prvo dete evropskog porekla rođeno na tlu Novog sveta, događaj u američkoj istoriji poznat kao začetak američke nacije. OBX, je takođe mesto prvog uspešno izvedenog kontrolisanog leta braće Rajt 1903. godine. Danas idilični pejzaž ostrva upotpunjuju manji avioni sa banerima. Lokalne avio kompanije, koje poseduju ove letilice, bave se turizmom i marketingom. Jedan od pilota, koji je radio za lokalnu frmu, je poginuo u avionskoj nesreći 2018. godine nekoliko kilometara od mesta uzletanja. Za zvaničan uzrok nesreće uzima se komplikacija sa banerom, koji se usled niskog leta zakačio za drveće i izazvao pad aviona. Stanovnici ostrva i blizak prijatelj od pilota izražavaju sumnju u medijsku sliku događaja i za nesreću krive nebezbedne uslove rada kapitalističke logike. Prema njima avio kompanije nizom nebezbednih procedura zadržavaju avione što duže u letu i na taj način dolaze do veće akumulacije kapitala. Godinu dana nakon nesreće ista avionska kompanija angažovana je da umesto uobičajenog reklamog materijala postavi crni baner u znak sećanja na poginulog pilota. Događaj se može uzeti za posthumno komemorativno obeležavanje smrti pojedinca u javnom prostoru. Metaforom letenja baner govori o uvezivanju mikro i makro istorijskih narativa. Čin leta zastave na datom fzickom prostoru upisuje se u niz spomeničkih obeležja istorije ostrva, dok se događaj može razumeti i kao govor o sadašnjosti kroz prizmu davne i skore prošlosti. Izložba ,,Let’’, održana u januaru 2020. u Umetničkom prostoru U10 predstavila je projekat u vidu simulacije muzejske postavke. Segmenti postavke bili su posvećeni različitim istorijskim periodima mesta, od naseljavanja Evropljana, rođenja Virdžinije Der, prvog uspešnog leta braće Rajt do savremenih interpretacija nasleđa i turističke ponude mesta. Okosnicu izložbe činio je video rad ,,Let’’ zajedno sa fragmentom banera na postamentu postavljenom u trougaonom obliku počasti američkim herojima. Video rad dostupan na The Outer Banks (OBX) is a 200-mile long chain of barrier islands that are separated from the North Carolina mainland, on the East Coast of the United States. A popular tourist destination known for its sandy beaches and rich history. OBX is the place of the firs permanent English settlement in the New World. In 1587 Virginia Dare, the first child of English decent was born in the colony on Roanoke Island, an event that marks the founding of the American Nation. The Wright Brother’s the first controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier-than-air aircraft conducted in 1903 took place on the Outer Banks. Today numerous local plane companies offer flight classes, areal tours of the island and advertising possibilities such as renting out aerial banners. One of the pilots working for a local company died in a plane crash in 2018 shortly after take off. The officially stated cause of the accident is a complication with the banner - the advertisement banner got tangled in the trees pulling the plane to the ground. Locals and a close friend from the pilot believe that the cause of the accident were unsafe working conditions. According to them companies use unsafe procedures to keep the planes in the air for extended periods of time since banner advertising is based on an hourly pay rate. One year after the accident the same company was hired by the artist to replace the usual advertisement with a solid black banner.The event can be seen as a yearly commemoration of ones death in public space. Through the metaphor of flying it reveals the interweaving of micro and macro histories. The project takes events from remote and recent history that all took place on a particular site to speak about the present. Exhibition ’Flight’ took place in U10 Art Space in 2020. The project was presented in form of a simulation of museum setting. Segments of the exhibition were dedicated to different historical periods in OBX’s history, from the first English settlement, birth of Virginia Dare, Wright Brothener’s first successful flight to contemporary heritage interpretations in souvenir shops and tourist attractions.Video Flight was exhibited together with a fragment of the banner, folded into a triangular shape as done for American heroes. Video available at





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