Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Sanja Ćopić

Standup comedy, Standup tragedy
Ovaj rad istražuje različite kulturne narative o ženama koristeći prepoznatljiv medijski format – stendap komediju. Umetnica izlaže sebe I svoje nesigurnosti kroz režirani komedijski monolog, upotpunjen, i u kontrastu sa improvizovanom stendap tragedijom. This work explores various cultural narratives about women by using a recognizable media format - the standup comedy. The artist exposes herself and her insecurities through a scripted comedic monologue, juxtaposed and complemented by an unscripted standup tragedy.

Great expectations
2005. godine, na Novom Beogradu u Bloku 44 otpočela je izgradnja Akva Parka, prvog takve vrste u mom gradu. Tada sam imala 13 godina i ova vest je bila jako značajna u mom životu. Nakon što su postavljeni temelji, izgrađene osnove kompleks na preko sedam hektara zemljišta, došlo je do problema oko vlasničkih procedura i odustajanja nekoliko različitih investitora zbog neisplativosti projekta. Izgradnja je zaustavljena 2006. godine, i park stoji zamrznut u tom stanju do danas. Park je prvo što vidim kada izađem iz zgrade u kojoj živim u bloku 70, i obeležio mi je detinjstvo velikim očekivanjima koje sam tada imala, i tenziju od razmišljanja o visini cene ulaznice za park i da li ću moći da je priuštim. Sada, park mi obeležava svakodnevicu svojim ogromnim betonskim prisustvom u svakom mom danu. Na tu parcelu sam potpuno navikla, i sada je primećujem, kao verovatno i većina drugih stanovnika, samo ako me nešto izmesti iz svog standardnog pogleda – ona je deo našeg okruženja, savršeno uklopljena u ambijent iz koga objektivno štrči. Moj performans je podrazumevao upad na posed parka, krečenje jednog zida u centralnoj zgradi I ispisivanje unosa iz mog dnevnika iz godine u kojoj je park izgrađen. Pisala sam o tome kako sam provela leto, i koliko sam uzbuđena zbog parka. Na ovaj način, želela sam da ostavim trag u sadašnjem trenutku I javnom prostoru o osećanjima koje sam imala 2005. godine, i da to posvetim dolazećim godinama, s obzirom na to da će part ostati tu verovatno još dugo, kao post-apokaliptični spomenik svim neispunjenim očekivanjima. In 2005. the first waterpark was being built in my city, and coincidentally, in a socialist neighborhood of New Belgrade, right across from where I live. I was 13 at the time and this news was very important for my life. After setting the foundations on the 7 hectares of land, issues arose between the investors due to the project’s unprofitability. The build halted in 2006. and the park is frozen in the same state today. The park is the first thing I see when I leave my apartment building, and it signified a project of Great expectations for my childhood and brought tension – I wasn’t sure if I would be able to afford the ticket. Nowadays, it marks my daily life with its vast concrete presence. I am entirely used to that plot of land, and only notice it if something displaces me from my standard view of the surroundings. It is a part of our environment, perfectly blended into the paysage from which it objectively sticks out. My performance consisted of trespassing into the private park, painting one of the walls of the central building and writing out my diary entry from the year it was being built. I wrote about how I spent my summer, and how excited I was for the park. In this way, I wanted to leave a trace in the present moment and the public space about the feelings I had in 2005, and dedicate it to the years to come, since it will probably remain there for a long time, like a post-apocalyptic monument to all unfulfilled expectations.

All of my best drawings that I scanned and then lost
Priča ide ovako - sakupila sam sve svoje najbolje crteže da ih skeniram i stavim u svoj prvi portfolio ikada, koji mi je trebao za prijavu na Master studije na Fakultetu. Ponela sam fasciklu sa crtežima kod drugarice jer je ona imala skener. Skenirale smo ih, I šta se nakon toga desilo ostaje misterija – crteži su nekako izgubljeni, I do danas ih nisam pronašla. Jedino što ostaje od njih je digitalni trag, to jest, skenirane verzije crteža. Odlučila sam da ih iskoristim kao dekoraciju za zidove, otprintala na tapeti i okačila na zid galerije. The story goes like this – I collected all of my best drawings to scan them and put them in my first ever portfolio, needed to apply for Master studies at my University. I took the folder with my drawings to my friend’s place because she had a scanner. We scanned them, and what happened afterward remains a mystery – the drawings were misplaced and lost, and I haven’t found them to the day. The only thing that remains is the digital footprint, i.e. the scanned versions of the art. I decided to use them as wall decor, and I printed them out on wallpaper and hung in the gallery.



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