Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Veroljub Naumović

Silikon, beton, perika, čelik
Serija Iskustvo materijalnog tela se bavi pitanjem ontologije ljudskog tela. Naime telo je objekat u kojem se nalazi subjekat i sa kojim se on u izvesnoj meri identifikuje. Istovremeno se naglašava materijalnost samog tela, ali i subjektivnost kojom ga posmatramo. The series Experience the material body concerns the question of the ontology of the human body. That is, the body is an object which carries the subject and with which the subject identifies to a certain degree. The works simultaneously stress the very materiality of the body, but also the subjectivity with which we perceive it.

Silikon, beton #3
Skulpture iz serije posmatrača suočavaju sa hiperrealnim telima i njihovim fragmentima kao delovima apstraktnih kompozicija naglašene materijalnosti. Funkcija tela u kompoziciji nije direktno retorična ili semiotična, ona su prvashodno ono što jesu – lutke od silikona, u naličju ljudi. Ostali prisutni materijali prate istu logiku: beton je prvo beton. Deleći prostor sa posmatračem, skulpture ga postavljaju u direktan, visceralan odnos. Tek kroz taj odnos beton prelazi u ideju betona. Tek mu lično iskustvo posmatrača, autentično iskustvo, daje značenje unutar konteksta i time ga upotpunjuje. Različite ličnosti – različita iskustva. Sculptures from the series confront the viewer with hiperrealistic bodies and their fragments as elements in an abstract composition of pronounced materiality. The bodies function in these compositions isn’t directly rethoric, nor semiotic, rather, the bodies in these works are exactly what they are – dolls made of silicone, in the image of men. The other materials present in the works follow the same logic: the concrete IS concrete. Sharing space with the viewer, the sculptures place him in a direct, visceral relationship with themselves and only through that relationship does concrete pass into the idea of concrete. Only through the personal experience of the viewer , the authentic experience, does it recieve a contextualized meaning, completing it. Different persons – different experiences.

Silikon, beton #2
Kroz ovakav pristup pomsatrač koji se identifikuje sa svojim telom se saoseća sa telom skulpture i njihova tela postaju fragmentisano bojište - poligon na kojem se odigrava igra između zahteva današnjeg društva, industrializovanog i komodifikovanog, vođenog primatom logike, i potreba za identitetom, empatijom, rastom i povezanošću. Through this approach the viewer, identifying with his own body, empathizes with the bodies of the sculpture, turning their bodies into a fragmented battlefield – a poligon for the dance between the demands of contemporary society, industrialized and commodified, dominated by the primacy of logic on one side and, on the other, the need for identity, empathy, growth and connectedness.



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