Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Katarina Petrovic

SRB 2017 - u toku / zvučna instalacija/skulptura, rućno duvano staklo, mikrofon, zvučnik, vakum mašina, manometar [ø=30 cm] Origin je zvučna instalacija i prototip, deo tekućeg istraživanja o ideji kosmogonije i stvaranja. Istražujući svojstva zvuka u okruženjima niskog pritiska, odnosno vakuma - ovaj rad bavi se pitanjima odnosa zvuka i prostora, oseta i stvaranja. Rad Origin sačinjen je od akustičnog feedback loop-a, tj. zvučnika i mikrofona ugrađenih u staklenu sferu, koji proizvode neprekidnu mikrofoniju. Komora se periodično vakumira, od atmosferskog pritiska do dve atmosfere manje, i u procesu sporog curenja vazduha nazad unutar sfere, zvuk pokazuje neobične i fascinantne osobine. Tišina je nemoguća - iskaz je tačan isto koliko i - savršen vakum ne postoji. Isprva akustični feedback loop, sistem se u uslovima rarifikovanog vazduha brzo prebacuje u mehanički feedback loop, koji sada na drugi način sonifikuje proces. Prelazeći od potiska vazduha do vibracije čvrste materije, zvuk naime proširuje komoru dozvoljavajući većoj količini vazduha da prodre unutra. Zvuk tako, sasvim doslovno, postoje prostor, gde najmanja promena uslova okoline menja njegova svojstva. Frekvencije unutar signala menjaju se dinamički, kao odgovor na pritisak, temperaturu ali i sam hemijski sastav vazduha. Zvuk postaje određen kompozicijom čestica i barijerom koja je teoretski, ako ne i fizički, beskrajna. Origin projekat realizovan je u okviru Summer Sessions Network for Talent Development, V2_ Lab for Unstable Media, Roterdam, umetničke rezidencije u koprodukciji sa Muzejem za tranzitornu umetnost [MoTA], Ljubljana, uz podršku Creative Industries Fund NL. Posebno hvala: Dmitry Morozovu, Ljudmila labu, Vacutech kompaniji, Petru Kolobariću, Rampa labu i Kapelica galeriji,, Dr. Primož Peliconu, Institutu Jožef Štefan i Poligon ekipi. ENG 2017 - ongoing / sound installation/sculpture, hand-blown glass, microphone, speaker, vacuum machine, manometer [ø=30 cm] Origin is a sound installation and prototype, a part of ongoing research on the notion of ​​cosmogony and creation. Investigating the sound properties in low pressure or vacuum environments - this work deals with the relationships of sound and space, sensation and creation. The work Origin is made up of acoustic feedback loop, i.e. speakers and microphones built into the glass sphere, which produce a continuous tone or frequency. The chamber is vacuumed periodically, from atmospheric pressure to two atmospheres less, and in the process of slow air leakage back inside the sphere, the sound shows unusual and fascinating characteristics. Silence is impossible - the statement is as accurate as is - the perfect vacuum does not exist. At first the acoustic feedback loop, the system quickly switches itself to the mechanical feedback loop in the conditions of the rarified air, which now, in a different way, sonifies the process. Moving from air pressure to vibration of solid matter, the sound extends the chamber allowing more air to enter. Sound become, quite literally, the space where the slightest change in the environment conditions changes its properties. The frequencies within the signal change dynamically, in response to the pressure, temperature, but also to the chemical composition of the air itself. The sound becomes determined by the composition of particles and the barrier, that is theoretically, if not physically, infinite.

 This project is produced as part of the Summer Sessions Network for Talent Development in a co-production of MoTA, Ljubljana and V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam, with support of the Creative Industries Fund NL. Special thank you: Dmitry Morozov, Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Vacutech company, Petar Kolobarić, Rampa lab / Kapelica gallery, Slovenian centre of excellence for space sciences and technologies, Dr. Primož Pelicon, Institut Jožef Štefan and Poligon crew. Video:

Cosmologicus v.2.0
SRB 2016 - 2018 / generativna instalacija, gvozdene cevi, kompjuterski softver, pleksiglas, projekcija, staklo, voda, generativna poezija, 32 knjige [200x200x200cm & 514x34x100cm] Cosmologicus je generativna instalacija u kojoj se radio emisije sa planete Jupiter prevode u jezik kao oblik automatizovane poezije. Nevidljivi red elektronskih čestica sa daleke planete, neka vrsta poruke koja dolazi od mitološkog Jupitera, biva dešifrirana uz pomoć knjige Leksikon Liber Novus i njene baze podataka reči i brojeva. Signal je dobijen od NASA-ine radio amaterske zajednice Radio Jove i analiziran merenjem amplitude, odnosno jačine signala. Nakon toga, uzorci amplitude u brojevima povezuju se sa odgovarajućim rečima u Leksikon databazi, što rezultira semantičkim tokom. Izrađen kao katren, tok se projektuje u crnu kocku vode, a originalni audio radio emisija može se čuti na slušalicama. Tekstualni zapis vibracija nečujnih ljudskom uhu, generiše se tokom trajanja izložbe, a ukupno 16.000 prethodno generisanih i zabeleženih pesama samoizdate su u tomu od 32 knjige. Jupiter je najveća planeta našeg Sunčevog sistema. Naziva se gasnim džinom, a svojom ogromnom magnetosferom, koja nadmašuje čak i Sunce, štiti Zemlju od potencijalno opasnih objekata koje ulaze u Sunčev sistem. Jupiter ima 67 (poznatih) meseca u svojoj orbiti i predstavlja snažan izvor radio-talasa u spektralnom području koje se proteže od nekoliko kiloherca do desetine megaherca. Radio emisije su toliko jake da prodiru u našu atmosferu omogućavajući signalima da budu registrovani na zemlji. Jupiter je jedina planeta koju možemo efektivno da “čujemo” sa Zemlje i mi je slušamo već više od 60 godina, od otkrića Jupiterovog radija 1955. godine. Kada je u dobroj poziciji (ne podudara se sa Sunčevom putanjom) i kada naša atmosfera prestaje proces jonizacije u okrilju noći - mi čujemo Jupitera. Na neki način, Jupiter je sunce našeg noćnog neba. Sunce mraka. Saradnici na projektu: Mirko Lazović i Edo Paulus - razvoj softvera; Dora Kerekes - pomoć u pripremi za štampu; Vera van de Seyp - dizajn knjige. Realizaciju pomogli: Stroom Den Haag, Stimulerings Creative Industries Fund NL, Ambasada Kraljevine Holandije u Srbiji, Michaael Roumen i Centar za promociju nauke, Beograd. ENG 2016-2018 / generative installation, steel tubes, computer software, plexiglass, projection, glass, water, generative poetry, 32 books [200x200x200cm & 514x34x100cm] Cosmologicus is a generative installation in which the radio emissions from Jupiter are translated into language as a form of an automated poetry. An invisible order of electron particles coming from a distant planet, a kind of a message coming from the mythological Jupiter, is deciphered with the use of the Lexicon Liber Novus book and its word-number database. The signal is obtained from NASA’s amateur radio community Radio Jove, and analysed by measuring the amplitude, that is the strength of the signal. Subsequently, the sampled numerical values are linked to the corresponding words in the Lexicon database, resulting in a semiotic stream. Sculpted as a quatrain, the stream is then projected into the black water cube and the original audio recording can be heard on the headphones. A textual record of vibrations inaudible to the human ear, is generated during the show and the collection of previously generated and recorded 16.000 poems makes a volume of 32 books. Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system. Referred to as a gas giant, its vast magnetosphere, surpassing even the Sun’s, protects the Earth from potentially dangerous objects entering the Solar system. Jupiter holds 67 (known) moons in its orbit and stands as a powerful source of radio waves in the spectral region stretching from several kilohertz to tens of megahertz. The radio emissions are so strong that they penetrate our atmosphere allowing for the signals to be registered on the ground. Jupiter is the only planet we can effectively hear from the Earth and we have been listening to it for over 60 years now, since the discovery in 1955. When in good position (not coinciding with Sun’s trajectory) and when our atmosphere stops ionising in the wail of the night, we hear Jupiter. In a way, Jupiter is the sun of our night sky. The sun of the dark. Collaborations: Mirko Lazović & Edo Paulus - software development; Dora Kerekes - technical assistance in preparation for print; Vera van de Seyp - book design. The realisation was supported by: Stroom Den Haag, Stimulerings Creative Industries Fund NL, Michael Roumen, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Michael Roumen and Center for Promotion of Science, Belgrade.

Lexicon Liber Novus v.2.0
SRB 2016 - 2018 / interaktivna instalacija, generativna knjiga (25x25x27cm, 3924 strana, 2016), softver, štampa na staklu, ugljenik [dimenzije promenjive] Interaktivna instalacija Leksikon Liber Novus v.2.0 sastoji se iz nekoliko modularnih struktura i delova: generativne knjige i softvera, Dijagrama - štampe na staklu i čistog ugljenika. Interaktivni softvare omogućava posetiocima da sami generišu knjigu koristeći druge početne rečenice. Svi generisani rezultati automatski se uploaduju online i dostupni su na: Dijagrami predstavljaju vizuelizacije Leksikonovog algoritmičkog procesa i sačinjeni su iz ukupno 8 kvadratnih tablica, dimenzija 16 x 16 cm. Algoritmički generisana knjiga Leksikon Liber Novus započinje stihom iz prve pesme Two English Poems, napisanih od strane Horhe Luisa Borhesa, 1934. godine. “We talked and you have forgotten the words.” Prateći pravilo da je svaka reč nepoznata, algoritam indeksira i objašnjava sve reči u datoj rečenici, sve reči u objašnjenjima, sve reči u tim objašnjenjima i tako dalje. Prva reč u stihu počinje sa dodeljenom referencom na broj jedan, druga reč na broj dva, i kako se pojavljuje nova, neindeksirana reč - unutar definicija prethodno indeksiranih reči, one dobija sledeći prirodni broj koji potom dalje biva objašnjen. Koristeći redosled prirodnih brojeva za indeksaciju i raspored sadržaja, kao i oksfordski engleski rečnik za izvor definicija reči, knjiga obuhvata 47,152 indeksiranih reči i više od 2 miliona ukupno obrađenih reči. Prema tome, da bi se objasnilo prvih 8 reči iz pesme, bilo je potrebno objasniti 47.144 drugih reči. Spiralni, odnosno uzročni aranžman sadržaja znači da se knjiga može posmatrati kao autonomni svet u kome je svaka tačka povezana sa svakom drugom. Blisko Godelovoj teoremi o nepotpunosti i modelu Lorensovog atraktora, popularno poznatog kao efekat leptira, ovaj rad, tj. algoritmički proces, istovremeno predstavlja jezik kao suštinski beskrajan, nedovršen, organizovan i haotičan sistem. Saradnici na projektu: Jan Kejs van Kampen / razvoj softvera; Gabor Kerekes / pomoć u pripremi za štampu; štamparija Repro- van de Kamp, Hag. Realizaciju pomogli: Stroom Den Haag, Stimulerings Creative Industries Fund NL, Ambasada Kraljevine Holandije u Srbiji, Michaael Roumen i Centar za promociju nauke, Beograd. ENG 2016 - 2018 / interactive installation, generative book (25x25x27cm, 3924 pages, 2016), software, print on glass, carbon [dimension vary] The interactive installation Lexicon Liber Novus v.2.0 consists of several modular structures and parts: generic book and software, diagrams - prints on glass and pure carbon. Interactive software allows visitors to generate a book by themselves using other initial sentences. All generated results are automatically uploaded online and are available at: The diagrams represent the visualisation of the Lexicon's algorithmic process and are composed of a total of 8 square tablets, measuring 16 x 16 cm. An algorithmically generated book Lexicon Liber Novus starts with a verse from the first of the Two English Poems written by Jorge Luis Borges in 1934. "We talked and you have forgotten the words." Following a rule that every word is unknown, the algorithm indexes and explains all the words in the given sentence, all the words in the explanations, all the words in those explanations and so on. First word in the verse starts with an assigned reference to number one, second word to number two and as a new, unindexed word comes up - within the definitions of previously indexed words, it gets the next natural number assigned in order to be explained as well. Using the order of natural numbers for indexation and arrangement of contents, and an Oxford English Dictionary as a source of word definitions, the book encompasses 47.152 indexed words and more then 2 million processed words overall. Therefore, in order to explain the first 8 words, 47.144 other words needed to be explained as well. Spiral or causal arrangements of the contents means the book can be seen as a self-contained world where every point is intrinsically connected to every other. Close to the Godel's theorem of incompleteness and the model of the Lawrence attractor, popularly known as the butterfly effect - this work, i.e. the algorithmic process, at the same time represents the language as a fundamentally endless, incomplete, organised and chaotic system. Project collaboration Jan-Kees van Kampen - software development, Gabor Kerekes - assistance in print preparation, Repro- van de Kamp, The Hague - print and support. The realisation was supported by: Stroom Den Haag, Stimulerings Creative Industries Fund NL, Michael Roumen, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Michael Roumen and Center for Promotion of Science, Belgrade.



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