Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Sara Kostić

Performans Voice /Glas
Gotovo ništa nije tako neposredno kao vaše iskustvo vašeg tela. To je intenzivna veza i borba između unutrašnjosti i spoljašnjosti, između posedovanja i posednutog. Interpretacija tela kroz ovaj rad je naše telo kao podaci. Način na koji hodamo je posledica svih pozicija tela i specifičnih aktivnosti koje smo imali tokom životu. Pokret je posledica našeg rada, naše obuke i vrste kreveta u kojem spavamo. Međutim, ako pogledamo kako naš um i naše mentalno stanje menja naše telo, imamo još jedan sloj, još jedan put. Pored toga, postoji „sistem“ kroz koji se krećemo, transformišući jedni druge dok hodamo. Doći u prvobitno stanje izgleda nemoguće. Šta je to original? Svi se suočavamo sa problemima naučenog. Bori se sa putevima i sistemima koji su izabrani za nas ili za nas, ne uvek svesno ili namerno. Ne možete da tvrdite svoje telo kao svoje, zato što ste u posedu svog tela koliko ga posedujete. Na kraju, sve stvari koje su skrivene, neizbežne imaju svoju fizičku manifestaciju i posledice koje obično poništavaju društvene definicije savršenstva i lepote. Postoje stanja koja čine primarne putanje tela vidljivim. Jedno stanje je nalet adrenalina, a druga je iscrpljenost. Potcenili smo naš um i maštu. Zaboravili smo šta možemo sve da kažemo kada nemamo više riječi. Performans se fokusira na moć glasa tela koji dolazi iznutra, izazivajući odnos između posedovanja i posedovanog. Da li uopšte govoriti? Dan 1 (3 sata) Umetnica trči gore-dolje stepenicama, između prvog i drugog sprata. Korišćenje javne komunikacije kao pozornice daje mogućnost za jedinstven dijalog sa publikom. U poluetažnom prostoru stoje ogledala koja naglašavaju kretanje tela. Tempo, pokreti i slika se menjaju kada se izgubi kontrola nad telom. Izraz (glas) tela se lišava značenja. Njeni pokreti postaju nešto čudno nešto nepraktično i neprikladno. Dan 2 (3 sata) Dodajući kontekst šireg prostora i odeće, umetnik počinje da trči od hotela do izložbenog prostora i nastavlja da trči uz stepenice. Kada telo potpuno odustane, izlaže ga ležeći na ogledalima, dok gledaoci hodaju oko nje. Ležeći kao statua, u usta joj se uliva tečni šećer, što predstavlja zatvaranje kruga. There is almost nothing so immediate as your experience of your body. It is an interesting relationship and struggle between inside and outside, between possessing and possessed. The interest that I have is our body as data. The way we walk is just a mixture of all the positions that we took through life. It is a consequence of our work, of our training and the kind of bed that we sleep in. However, if we look into how our mind and our mental state changes our body we have one more layer, one more path. In addition, there is a ‘system’ that we are moving through, transforming each other while we walk. To come to the original state seems impossible. What would original even be? We are all dealing with the anxiety of the ‘learned’. Struggling with paths and systems that are chosen for us or by us, not always consciously or deliberately. You can’t claim your body as your own because you are possessed by your body as much as you possess it. In the end, all the things that are hidden, inevitable have their physical manifestation and consequences that are usually invalidating social definitions of perfection and beauty. There are states that make primal paths of the body visible. One is the adrenalin rush, and the other one is exhaustion. We have underestimated our mind and imagination. We forgot what can we say when we have no more words. Performance is focusing on the power of the body voice coming from within, challenging the relationship between possessing and possessed. Speak or be silent, the choice itself is the final instance. Day 1 (3 hours) Artist is running up and down the stairs, between the first and second floor. Using public communication as a stage makes a possibility for a unique dialog with the audience. In the half-floor space, there are mirrors, emphasizing the movement of the body. The pace, the movements and the picture are changing as the control over the body is being lost. The expression (voice) of the body is being stripped of meaning. Its movements become something strange something unpracticed. Day 2 (3 hours) Adding the context of wider space and clothes, the artist is starting to run from a hotel to the exhibition space and continues to run up the stairs. When the body gives up completely, she is exposing it by lying on the mirrors, while spectators walk around. Lying like a statue she is being poured liquid sugar in her mouth representing the beginning of a new path and circle.

Performans The Kinds of Things / Priroda Stvari
Koncept je se osvće na problem percepcije i objektivnog sagledavanja celine. Posledice zanemarivanje svih aspekata sistema i totalitarizma, u kome posledice trpi individua koja ne može da se odbrani, i u jednom trenutku postaje posledično odbačena (odvojena) od sistema. Teorija stvari (Thing theory) i njena kritika Pogled u svet kroz prizmu stvari koji nam koriste i samim tim se na neki način depersonalizuju, do trenutka kada nam remete sistem i prestaju da rade za nas. Iako se ova teorija fokusira na odnose objekat-stvari, objekat-subjekat, naša interkcija sa njima i odnos se prenose paralelno na druge sistme vrednosti. Kroz podržavanje modernističkog (materijalniog) pristupa ka predmetima i konzumerizmu stvara se prostor da se preispita šta se dešava sa ne materijalnim uticajm (ne vidlivim/ ne pripadajućim) koji je posledično stvoren. Kroz teoriju sve je skoro beznačajno, kroz kritiku skoro značajno. Slika pozitivno-negativno, objekta-subjekat kada razmišljamo o nama samimam i našim delovima, mislima, postoru i ne prostoru (ne mestu). Glava u oblaku / Odvjenost od tela Na mikro polju jedne osobe, dovodi se u pitanje naša sve veća odvojenost od tela propraćena razvojom tehnologije i sve većoj dominaciji instant vizuene komunikacije. Vizuelna zagađenost kroz reklame u prostoru i ne prostoru (virtuelnom prostoru na mreži). Gušenje / Glava iznad vode Posledično, na polju psihologije i mentalog zdravlja dolazi do porasta problema kao posledica prezatrpanosti. Panični napadi, anksioznost i drugi, su u neverovatnom procentaualnom porastu u odnosu na statistiku iz istorije. Iskustvo psiholškog gušenja je normalno stanje. Hod po ivici Zanimljivo je šta se kao regresivni sociološki fenomen dešava u zapadnom društvu danas. Fiksna “putanja” koja počinje da daje veći značaj pripadnosti nego individui, gubeći mogućnosti umnožavanja percepcija i kreacije, samim tim stvarajući još skučeniji prostor za delovanje u službi stvari koje zapravo zastupa. The concept is condemned to the problem of perception and objective observation of the whole. The consequences of neglecting all aspects of the system and totalitarianism, where the consequences are manifestd on non-defense individual. The individual becomes consequently discarded (separated) from the system. Thing theory and its critique A glimpse of the world through the prism of things that use us and, thus, is somehow depersonalized, until the moment we disturb our system and cease to work for us. Although this theory focuses on object-object and object-subject relationships, our interaction with them is transmitted in parallel to the other value systems. Through the support of modernistic (material) approach to objects and consumerism, it creates a space to examine what is happening with a non-material impact (not visible / not belonging) that is consequently created. Through the theory everything is almost insignificant, through criticism it is almost significant. Picture positively-negative, object-subject when we think of ourselves and our parts, thoughts, postures and non space. Head in the cloud / Unconsciousness In the micro-field of one person, our growing separation from the body is accompanied by the development of technology and the growing dominance of instant visual communication. Visual pollution through advertisements in space and virtual (online) space. Choking / Head above water Consequently, in the field of psychology and mental health, problems arise as a result of overcrowding. Panic attacks, anxiety, and others are in an incredible percentage increase over history statistics. The experience of psychological choking is represented as a normal state. Walk the line It is interesting to see what a regressive sociological phenomenon is happening in the Western society today. A fixed “path” that begins to give more importance to affiliation than to the individual, losing the possibility of multiplying perceptions and creations, thereby creating an even more narrower space for acting in the service of the things it actually represents.

Performans Comfort /Uteha
Performans se bavi današnjim potrošačkim društvom, koje retko pronalazi utehu izvan fizičkih oblika kratkotrajng zadovoljstva. Ona se odražavaju na naše telo kao sirovinu sklonu konstantnoj promeni i stanju redizajniranja. Naša forma i struktura jednaka je svemu što stavljamo u sebe i oko sebe, ne priznajući da se igramo se svojim telom, fizikom i arhitekturom. Stvaranje našeg kreveta, našeg privatnog sveta malih udobnosti odbijajući da vidimo stvarnost je nešto što radimo svakodnevno. Preplašeni smo da razbijemo začarani krug ili čak da prinamo da uošte postoji. Šećer, važan sastojak u društvu, predmet je beskrajnih kontroverzi i snažan simbol društvenog poretka. Njen uticaj na promene ljudskog tela i uma poslednjih decenija je ogroman i još uvek globalno potcenjen. Istorija šećera Teško je zamisliti svet bez šećera i koliko je on kao namirnica bilo dragocen u prošlosti. Sa porastom konzumerizma, došlo je do povećanja upotrebe šećera. Sa rastućim zahtevima za radom, došlo je do porasta potreba za lagodnošću i brzom hranom, što podrazumeva više šećera. Eksploatacija se nastavila, iz ropstva, prešla je na potrošače. Dodaj malo šećera Da li ste se danas lečili sa slatkišima? Zaboravire gorak život. Imamo trikove da bismo se osećali bolje. Navijajte, za sve. Puni slatkih otrova, u blaženstvu, čekamo bolje sutra. Predstava je počela sa 200kg šećera u prostoru. Tokom izvođenja, bio je pakovan u vreće, zapečaćen i korišćen kao deo konstrukcije za dušek. Kese pune šećera su bile povezane, formirajući čvrstu strukturu. Repeticija akcije je trajala dok je postojalo šećera , zatim je umetnica je spavala u šećernoj postelji. Krevet od šećera predstavlja snažan simbol i odraz našeg života. Ne samo kroz ideju o konzumiranju, već i kao sliku potiskivanja teškoća sahranjivanjem sebe u lažni svet snova. This performance reflects on today’s consumer society, which rarely finds comfort beyond physical forms of short satisfaction. It reflects on our own body as a raw material in constant change and state of redesigning itself. Shaped by everything that we put in ourselves and around ourselves, we play with our body, our physic, and architecture. Making our bed, our own world of little comforts and refusing to see reality is something that we do on a daily basis, being scared to break the circle or even unwilling to see it. Sugar, an important ingredient in society, is the subject of endless controversy and a strong symbol of social order. Its influence on the changes of the human body and mind in recent decades is huge and still globally underestimated. History of sugar It is difficult to imagine a world without sugar and how precious it was. With the rise in consumerism, there has been a rise in sugar use. With the increasing work demands, there has been a rise in convenience and fast foods, which implies more sugar. Exploitation has continued, from slavery, it has moved to consumers. “Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree? ‘Tis a marvel of great renown! It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop Sea In the garden of Shut-Eye Town; The fruit that it bears is so wondrously sweet (As those who have tasted it say) That good little children have only to eat Of that fruit to be happy next day.” The sugar-Plum Tree - Eugene Field Sugarcoat it Have you treated your self with sweets today? Forget on the bitter life. We have tricks to make us feel better. Cheer! Cheer, for having everything. Sweet poisons in a bliss, waiting for a better tomorrow. The performance started with 200kg of sugar in space. During the performance, it was packed in bags, sealed, and used as a part of construction for a mattress. The bags were connected, forming a solid structure. This was repeated during the day until no sugar was left and the artist has slept for the hour on the sugar bed. The bed made out of sugar represents the strong symbolic and reflection to our life. Not only through consumption of it, but as a picture of looking away from difficulties by burying us in a false dream world.



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