Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Adrien Ujhazi

Ona je hipoteza koja predlaže instinktivnu povezanost čoveka sa svim živim sistemima. Na osnovu istraživanja u okviru hipoteze Biofilije, svoj umetnički rad obuhvata polje bio-art i ekološke umetnosti, što realizujem korišćenjem različitih vizuelnih jezika i medija. Istraživački pristup realizujem korišćenjem i transponovanjem prirodnih elemenata u njihovom izvornom stanju, što znači da sa minimalnom intervencijom dolazim do produkta samog umetničkog rada. U samom procesu rada, koristim prirodne materijale, a to su: brašno-pšenica, kudelja, “scoby”- gljiva itd. Te prebacujem u drugi kontekst koje nose sa sobom u celini ekološku poruku. / It is a hypothesis that suggests the instinctive connection of a man with all living systems. Based on research in the hypothesis of Biophilia, my artwork also includes a field of bio-art and environmental art, which I am manifesting as I use different visual languages and medias. I realize my research by using and transposing natural elements in their original condition, which means that with minimal intervention I come to the end product of the artwork itself. In the process, I use natural materials, which are: flour-wheat, hemp tow, scoby etc. I transfer them into another context in which they carry an ecological message.

Interaktivna instalacija 40 x 40 x 100 cm Rad pod nazivom "Taht's Life ..." zasniva se na nesvesnoj potrošnji, koja je ironično predstavljena usred interaktivne instalacije. Ideja rada proizašla je iz potrebe da se apeluje na ekološke krize i katastrofe, u ovom slučaju posebno zagađenje zemlje predstavljeno kroz simulaciju konzumerizma u budućnosti. Dijeta, koja se odlikuje izuzetnom raznolikošću, podseća na tablete i tečnosti koje pojedinac ne samo da će moći da proba, već će moći da oseti i osećaj mirisa. / Interactive installation 40x 40 x 100 cm The work titled "Taht's Life ..." is based on unconscious consumption, which is ironically presented in the middle of an interactive installation. The idea of the work emerged from the need to appeal to ecological crises and disasters, in this case specifically the pollution of the country presented through the simulation of consumerism in the future. The diet, which is characterized by exceptional diversity, is reminiscent of tablets and liquids that an individual will not only be able to taste, but will be able to experience the sense of fragrance as well.

Iz serije
Objekat (klica pšenice u formalinu) / Object (wheat germ in formalin) 6 x 6 cm



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