Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Emilija Radojičić

Bivanje u pukotini, u međuprostoru, je često strašno i dezorjentirajuće. Nizašta ne možeš da se uhvatiš, ne postoji jasan pravac kretanja, ne naziru se čak ni izbori i mogućnosti koji možda slede. Ali baš TO je ono stanje čistog potencijala koji je postojao pre nego što je nastao ceo Univerzum. Sve što možemo da uradimo je da se prepustimo tom ništavilu... upadnemo u tišinu između reči...posmatrajući prazninu između odlazećeg i dolazećeg daha. Svaki tren ovog iskustva je dragocen jer nešto novo će upravo nastati. Ništa nije samo ništa, ono je apsolutno sve. Ono vrvi od mogućnosti. Ništa je čisti i apsolutni potencijal koji se još uvek nije manifestovao i u sebi sadrži sve. U početku je uvek postojala priroda, na kraju je i dalje uvek tu priroda i zašto onda uopšte brinuti? Zašto uzalud, u sredini svega praviti zbrku, biti anksciozan, ambiciozan - zašto uopšte očajavati? Od ništavila do ništavila je celo jedno putovanje. Being "in the gap" can be disorienting and even scary. Nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices and possibilities might lie ahead. But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created. All you can do now is to relax into this no-thingness...fall into this silence between the this gap between the outgoing and incoming breath. And treasure each empty moment of the experience. Something sacred is about to be born. The nothing is not just nothing, it is all. It is vibrant with all possibilities. It is potential, absolute potential. It is unmanifested yet, but it contains all. In the beginning is nature, in the end is nature, so why in the middle we make so much fuss? Why, in the middle, becoming so worried, so anxious, so ambitious - why create such despair? Nothingness to nothingness is the whole journey.

The Universe materialized out of nothing
Rad je instalacija od tkanih traka sa moje poslednje samostalne izložbe NO-thingness, otvorene u galeriji Remont. Dimenzije rada su neodređene i on je nastao spontano, na licu mesta tokom postavljanja izložbe. Ako se ikada bude opet izlagao, neće izgledati isto. This work is an installation made of woven strips from my last solo show NO-thingness in Remont gallery. Size of this work is unspecified because it was made spontaneously on the spot. If it is ever to be exhibited somewhere else again, it will not look the same.

In the beginning
Tkana slika, takođe sa prethodne samostalne izložbe otvorene u galeriji Remont. Rad je tkan crnom i belom ovčijom srpskom vunom, dimenzija 105x163cm (bez rama) i stajao je u prostoriji direktno naspram rada “NO-thingness”, po kom je cela izložba dobila naziv. Woven painting also from my solo show that opened recently in Remont gallery. This work is woven with black and white sheep wool, with the final size of 105x163cm (without the frame) and it was exhibited directly across the work NO-thingness, by which the whole exhibition was named.



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