Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Mila Sretenovic

MilaTarot spil
Tarot spil od 78 karata, odstampanih u vidu digitalne grafike, predstavlja jednu koherentnu celinu , koloristicni i tonski ujednacenu. Svaka karta, koja se od prvobitnog crteza razvila u rad odstampan u sitostampi, sa rukom iscrtanim pripremama, utemeljena je na mom licnom iskustvu i osecanjima, na koje je u velikoj meri uticalo iscrpno istrazivanje Jungove teorije nesvesnog, primenjeno na simboliku tarota. Psiholosko samoispitivanje kroz odnose tradicionalnih simbolickih struktura tarota preneto kroz likovni izraz prikazan u ovoj seriji, predstavlja most izmedju umetnosti, psihologije kao nauke i ezoterije, prosirujuci tako tehniku sitostampe kao grafickog medija koji pruza jednu novu mogucnost za projekciju ideje, likovnog izraza i misaonog procesa. Radovi koji mahom predstavljaju portrete mojih bliznjih , vidjenih kroz simboliku Velike Arkane predstavljaju licnu vizuelizaciju arhetipskih silai ilustraciju odnosa muskog i zenskog principa. Svaka od ovih personalizovanih karata predstavlja jedan veliki simbolicki koncept, cija je izrada zasnovana na promisljanju koje znacenje simbolika odredjene tarot karte , koju moj rad treba da islustruje, ima za mene; i potom na uvrstavanju tog znacenja u svojevrsni licni simbolizam, stvarajuci tako sopstveni tarot jezik. /The 78 card deck, digitally printed, represents a colouristically harmonized, coherent whole. All of the cards were first hand illustrated, and then printed as serigraphies, produced by hand drawn stencils. The cards are grounded on the artist’s personal experience, feelings and sensibility, which were widely influenced by an extensive research into K.G. Jung's Psychology of the Unconscious, applied on the tarot symbolism. The psychological introspection, conducted through the traditional tarot symbolical structures, and presented in this artwork series, depicts a bridge between art, psychology and esotheria; thus providing the printmaking medium with a new opportunity for projecting an idea, visual expression and one's thought process. The artworks, which mainly portray artist’s own inner world, her loved ones portraits, seen through the "eyes" of Major Arcana symbolism, epitomize an individual visualisation of the archetypical forces and an illustration of the masculine and feminine principles. Each of these "personalised cards" carries an immense simbolical concept, whose creation rested on contemplating the symbolism of a specific tarot card, and its connection to the artist, which would finally be implemented in a unique personal symbolism, thus creating a distinctive tarot "language".

Serigrafija the Lovers, 44x32cm, karta broj sest, predstavlja mladica koji stoji izmedju dve zene. Arhetipski trougao je situacija koja svakako zivi u nasem licnom iskustvu. Ovaj mladic je personifikacija mladog i poletnog ega, koji treba da pronadje unutrasnju snagu da se suprotstavi zivotu i problemima, bez oslonca na figuru autoriteta kojoj bi mogao da se obrati za pomoc. U psihologiji muske figure obicno simbolizuju svesnost, intelektualna dostignuca i duh; a zenske figure aspekt tela, emocije i dusu. Pitagorejci su oznacili broj sest kao prvi savrseni broj. Matematicki savrseni broj je onaj koji je jednak zbiru svih svojih delitelja, osim samog sebe. 1+2+3=6 /Serigraphy the Lovers,44x32cm, card number six, depicts a young man involved with two women. The archetypal triangle is a situation which all of us could find in our personal experience. He represents the young ego who has to find his own strength to meet this 'confrontation', he alone must assume the responsibility for whatever action takes in relation to it, without relying on an authority figure to whom he may appeal for help. In psychology male figures usually symbolize consciousness, intellectual attainments and spirit, while female ones symbolize the aspect of the body, emotions and soul. The Pythagoreans acknowledged number six to be the first perfect number. In mathematics a perfect number is when all the numbers divisors (excluding the number itself) are added, the sum equals the number itself. 1+2+3=6

Serigrafija the Moon, 44x32cm, predstavlja kartu broj osamnaest koja je jedna od najmisterioznijih u tarotu. Ona predstavlja najdublje, najmanje poznate, i najmanje ljudske delove psihe. Kako bismo prosli kroz kapiju u vidu dve kule, i presli preko planina, moramo odbaciti sve sto znamo, i nastaviti put samo sa nasom verom kao vodiljom. Sam mesec ima dve prirode, i povezuje se sa zenskim principom. Prva je vezana za intuitivnu, kreativnu, inspirativnu i vizionarsku energiju, dok sa druge strane mozemo naici na iluzije, ludilo i smrt. /Serigraphy the Moon, 44x32cm, depicts card number eighteen which is one of the strangest in the tarot. It represents the deepest, most unknown, and least human regions of the psyche. In order to get through the gate represented by the two towers in the Moon card and over the distant mountains we have to discard everything we know to proceed with nothing but faith to guide us. The moon itself has two natures. It is connected with the feminine principle. In one it is associated with intuitive, creative, inspirational, visionary energy. On the other side it is often regarded as the source of illusion, madness (literally “lunacy”), and death.



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