Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Nina Ivanovic

Javno izlaganje
Javno izlaganje, foto projekat, rad u nastanku Razmišaljajući o postavci više serija fotografija koje se bave gradom, počela sam da uz određene serije fotografija planiram da postavim i neke elemente poput cigle, trave, peska... Sve je u tim skicama počelo da liči na grad unutar galerijskog prostora i činilo se kao suvišno i iscenirano. Zatim razmišljajući dalje i o publici došla sam do toga da bi možda najadekvatnije bilo da fotografije izlažem napolju, da posetioci budu prolaznici a da grad bude galerija. Na ovo su me naveli i mnogobrojni prazni bilbordi i reklamni paneli, koji na određenim mestima nemaju više nikakvu funkciju. Ovaj rad je u nastanku i do sad sam izlagala fotografije na ulicama Bazela, Beograda i Pariza. / Exhibiting outside, photo project, work in progress Reflecting on the setting up of several series of photographs dealing with the city, I began to plan to exhibit also some bricks, grass, sand... along with certain series of photographs. Everything in these sketches began to resemble a city within the gallery space and it seemed as superfluous and staged. Then thinking further about the audience, I have come to the point that perhaps it would be most appropriate for me to exhibit the photographs outside so that the people who are passing by are the visitors, and the city is a gallery. What also got me thinking about putting the photographs outside are many empty billboards and advertising panels, which in some places no longer have any function. It’s a work in progress and so far I have shown photographs on the streets of Basel, Belgrade and Paris.

Poljubac, žicaisprej, 300 x 400 x 0,3 cm, 2016 Produkcija: Navigator galerija Poljubac je prostorni crtež od žice inastao je po fotografiji na kojoj je dvoje ljudi u jednom parku u Budimpešti. Tema izložbe za koju sam inicijalno pripremala rad bila je ljubav, pa sam pripremajući se za rad traženjem fotografije na kojoj bih našla nešto što može da prikaže ljubav, izabrala ovu fotografiju koja u bukvalnom i pomalo banalnom smislu predstavlja upravo to. Dvoje su se poljubili u trenutku fotografisanja, a ono što je meni bilo dodatno zanimljivo jeste koliko situacija liči na onu scenu kada morski svet peva i princ treba da poljubiArijel i da joj time vrati glas (crtani film Mala sirena). Lepota te scene jeste u tome što nije nameštena, a takođe i to što dvoje sa fotografije (i skulpture) i ne znaju da predstavljaju romantičnu ljubav u jednom od mojih radova. / Kiss, wire and spray, 300 x 400 x 0,3 cm, 2016 Production: Navigator gallery Kiss is a spatial drawing from a wire. The starting point for the work is my photo from one park in Budapest. The theme of the exhibition for which I was originally preparing the work was love, so while preparing for work I was looking through photographs seraching for something that could represent love, and then I choose this photograph that was literally and somewhat banal presenting exactly that. The two kissed at that moment in the boat, and the situation in the photograph unintentionally resembles that scene when the sea world sings and the prince should kiss Ariel and return her voice (cartoon Little Mermaid). The beauty of this situation is that it is not staged, and also that the two which are on the photograph (and sculpture) do not know they represent a romantic love in one of my works.

Selfie stick of Apollo Belvedere
Selfie stick of Apollos, vunanatkanini, 180 x 150 cm, 2015 Selfie stick of Apollos je rad koji je nastao kao komentar na moju kratku posetu Rimu a z apotrebe izložbe u Sarajevu na festival Sarajevska zima u galeriji Hanikah. Odabir materijala - vune, konca i tkanine je imao veze sa što ekonomičnijim transportom rada ali ujedno i sa mojim afinitetom da radim sa različitim materijalima, u ovom slučaju sa nečim mekanim, dok je forma crteža slična onoj koju koristim u crtežima rapidografom kao i u crtežima žicom.Tokom te kratke turističke posete selfistik se mogao naći na svakom ćošku i veliki broj ljudi se zaista fotografisao uz pomoć istog ispred građevina, skulptura, fontana i ostalih kulturnih dobara. Kasnije, posmatranjem fotografija koje sam napravila počela sam da pravim dijaloge između nekih fotografija od kojih je nastala serija digitalnih kolaža koji su poslužili i za seriju akvarela Na pravom mestu i za ovaj rad koji je spoj čuvene skulpture Apolona Belvederskog iz Vatikanskog muzeja u Rimu i nekog turiste koji se fotografiše. Selfie stick of Apollos, wool on fabric, 180 x 150 cm, 2015 Selfie Stick of Apollos is a work that was created as a coment on my short visit to Rome and for the needs of the exhibition in Sarajevo at the Hanikah Gallery during Sarajevo Winter Festival. The choice of material - wool, thread and fabric was made because artwork could be transported in the most economical way, but also because I like working with different materials, in this case with some soft. The drawing itself is similar to the drawings I did with felt-tip pen and also to the drawings made of wire .During this brief tourist visit, selfie stick could be found at each corner and a large number of people actually used it to photograph themselves in front of buildings, sculptures, fountains and other cultural goods. Later, looking at the photographs I made, I began to make dialogues between some of the photographs and that produced a series of digital collages that were used for a series of watercolors In the right place and for this work, which is a blend of the famous sculpture of Apollo Belvedere from the Vatican Museum in Rome and some tourist who was taking a selfie.



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