Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Milena Krstić

Koren života i(li) drvo života
Tehnika vez na platnu. Veličina 26x24cm. Istraživanje kompozicije i linije vezom. Promišljanje o tome da li gen i ono što dobijamo iz porodice utiče na formiranje ličnosti- koren života ili je obrazovanje, vaspitanje i okolina ono što utiče na nas kao persone - drvo života. Technique embroidery on canvas. 26x24cm. Research of composition and line by embroidery.Reflecting on whether a gene and what we get from a family affects the formation of a personality-the root of life, or is it education, upbringing and the environment that affects us as persona-the tree of life.

Porodica je poštovanje a ne nasilje
Tehnika slikano platno i vez. Veličina 10x10cm. Nastao kao odgovor na borbu protiv nasilja nad ženama, devojkama i decom. Prikazuje psihičko i fizičko stanje deteta koje odrasta u porodici gde ima nasilja. Tehnique painted canvas and embroidery. 10x10cm. It emerged in response to the fight against violence against women, girls and children. It shows the psychological and physical condition of a child who grows up in a family where there is violence.

Tehnika crtež na papiru i vez. Veličina 30x30cm. Takođe društveno angažovan protiv nasilja nad ženama, devojkama i decom. Prikazuje stanje žene, njen strah koji nosi sa sobom kada doživi nasilje u vezi, porodici. Tehnique drawing on paper and embroidery. 30x30cm. Also socially engaged against violence against woman, girls and children. It shows the state of the woman, her fears that she carrys wiyh her when she experiences violence in relationship, family.



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