Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Aleksandar Mitrović

Adumbratio. Postoje slučajevi kada se razumevanja potpuno razlikuju i gube na značaju i smislu, dakle, mogu biti suprotstavljena. Svako poimanje datosti je istina i u celosti se može razlikovati. Nijedno delo ne biva prepoznato bez erosa. Što su energija koja prožima delo i duh logosa snažniji, to je i njegova konačna istina dublja i čestitija. Platonov eros teži ka usponu bića unutar dela. Opštenje između dela i logosa mora biti diskurzivno. Mora posedovati uzvišenije oblike opštenja kako bi se dostigla konačna istina. Put do razumevanja dela je direktan put do razumevanja sopstva. Pronalaženje sopstva je pronalaženje istine o delu. Smisao dela se može spoznati samo unutar samog posmatrača, a taj put zahteva da bude podvižnički. Istina koja se misli o delu je istina o čoveku. Za umetnost nije neophodno da sadrži materijanost ali jeste da sadrži duhovnost. Ona mora biti potpuno odvojena od svetske datosti, dakle, njena metafizička i ontološka esencija se mora tražiti u njenoj večnoj ekskluzivnosti, a skup svih životnih iskustava pojedinca je bitno za razumevanje dela. Saznajni duh mora pobediti restriktivnost datosti materijalizma i u potpunosti se otisnuti u mistični svet dela. Posmatrač mora biti u ravni sa delom – biti mu jednak i osloboditi se okova koji ga sputavaju u logici razmišljanja. Mistifikacija dela je ključ uspeha dela. Tajna dela je duboko skrivena u njegovoj mistici, ona žudi za samospoznajom. Proces otkrovenja dela je nastavak stvaralačkog čina novih istina o delu. Istina o delu teži proširenju. Ne postoje dve osobe koje potpuno isto doživljavaju delo. Konačna istina o delu je tajna. (Eksplikacija je za sve radove.) Adumbratio. There are a lot of situations in which opinions may be found opposed, since one’s understanding may differ from another. Every meaning and understanding of the whole truth is true and it can be different for each person. There isn’t a single existing work of art that can be recognized without Eros. The growing power and flow of energy throughout the whole body and soul of a work of art is of immense importance to its uniqueness, profoundness and truthfulness. Plato’s Eros aspire to lift the spirit within the work of art. The connection between a work of art and logos must be based upon a solemn truth. This connection must be sublime in order to reach its true purpose. The path to understanding art is the path to understanding oneself. The purpose of the work of art can be found only within the viewer itself, and it requires sacrifice. What is being considered as the truth of work of art is actually the truth about its interpreter. Art does not perceive material as something essential, it does however requires spiritual. It must be separated from the opinion of the majority, so that its metaphysical and ontological essence can be discovered in its eternal exclusivity. One’s life experiences are crucial in understanding meaning of a peace of art and art itself. The spirit of understanding must pervade restrictiveness of the materialism and find its way to where the mystical world of art resides. The interpreter must be equal to the work of art and free from the chains surrounding his logic. The mystification of the work of art is the key to its success. The secret of the work of art is hidden in the depth of the mystical, craving and longing for self discovery. The process of epiphany is the continuity of creative act of self discovery and findings of new truths about a work of art. The truth about piece of art aims for depth and growth. It is impossible to find two individuals that will perceive the same piece of art identically. The whole truth about a work of art remain mystery… (Explanation applies to all works.) ADUMBRATIO. IOSW3A Kombinovana / Mix media 26,5x90x90cm 2016.

ADUMBRATIO. IOSWXL7A Kombinovana / Mix media 120x580cm 2016.

Adumbratio. CXMLAW1
Rad "Adumbratio. CXMLAW1" je kompozicija od 15 zasebnih radova CXML, formata 70x50cm, ukupno 210x250cm. Fotografije "Adumbratio. CXML32H" i "Adumbratio. CXML54H" su segmenti kompozicije "Adumbratio. CXMLAW1". Kompozicija može da se menja u zavisnosti od izlagačkog prostora i koncepta u datom trenutku. Work „Adumbratio CXMLAW1“ is a composition of 15 separated works CXML, format 70x50cm, in total 210x250cm. Photographs “Adumbratio. CXML32H“ and “Adumbratio. CXML54H“ are segments of the composition "Adumbratio CXMLAW1". The composition can be changed according to exhibition space and the concept at the given moment. Work "Adumbratio. CXMLAW1" is a composition ADUMBRATIO. CXMLAW1 grafit / graphite 210x250cm 2018. Adumbratio. CXML32H grafit / graphite 70x50cm 2018. Adumbratio. CXML54H grafit / graphite 70x50cm 2018.



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