Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Marijana Ćurčić

Kombinovana tehnika Različite dimenzije Combined technique Different dimensions O radu Rad predstavlja introspekciju kroz lično uživanje šećera, kao vid psihoanalize ili psihološkog autoportreta. Metoda istraživanja je preuveličavanje opsednutosti produktima prehrambene industrije povlačenjem paralele izmedju bolesti zavisnosti I konzumacije namirnica čiji je glavni sastojak šećer. Polazim od pretpostavke da receptori koji se nalaze na jeziku u dodiru sa šećerom, šalju mozgu direktnu informaciju da se radi o nečemu sto je ukusno, slasno, što prouzrokuje lučenje supstance dopamina u organizmu koja utiče direktno na osećaj sreće. Neke naučne studije pokazuju da je šećerna zavisnost veća od kokainske zavisnosti, a uskraćivanje konzumacije slatkiša može izazvati simptome apstinencijalne krize, slične onima koje osećaju bivši pušači, zavisnici od morfijuma i alkoholičari. Suštinska ideja rada je naša potreba za bežanjem od realnosti u slatki svet imaginarnog, nepostojećeg, iluzije gde slatko ne predstavlja ništa osim prividne sreće. Slatko je veza sa detinjstvom i nasa potreba da zivimo u prošlosti, u vremenu kad je sve bilo lakše, lepše, iako takvo vreme zapravo nikada nije ni postojalo, jer vreme prošlosti nosi određenu sigurnost, nema neizvesnosti sadašnjice ili nepoznatu budućnost, ono za sigurno ima pozitivan ishod, makar u našem pamćenju, ili čak mašti I izmišljenom. Rad je bekstvo autora u svet u kome slatko preovladava, a osecaj mučnine koji se javlja na samu pomisao konzumiranja izloženog šećera je sarkazam na racun mučnine od prevelikog i neumerenog konzumiranja zadovoljstva. About work The work presents introspection through personal delight in sugar, as a form of psychoanalysis or a psychological self-portrait. The method of research is exaggerating the obsession with the food industry's products by drawing a parallel between the addiction and food intake of the foods whose main ingredient is sugar. I proceed from the assumption that receptors in a language in contact with sugar send the brain direct information that it is something tasty and delicious, causing the secretion of the substance dopamine in an organism that affects directly the sense of happiness. Some scientific studies show that sugar dependence is higher than cocaine dependence, and the denial of sweets can cause symptoms of abstinent crises, similar to those experienced by ex-smokers, morphine addicts, and alcoholics. The essential idea of work is our need for running from reality into a sweet world of imaginary, non-existent, illusion where sweet does not represent anything but apparent happiness. Sweet is the connection with childhood and our need to live in the past, at a time when it was all easier, more beautiful, although such a time actually never existed, because the time of the past has some certainty, there is no uncertainty of the present or an unknown future, it is for sure a positive outcome, at least in our memory, or even imaginative and fictitious. It is the author's escape to the world in which the sweet predominates, and the feeling of nausea that occurs on the very thought of consuming exposed sugar is a sarcasm at the expense of nausea from excessive and excessive consumption of pleasure.

After party
Kombinovana tehnika Poliptih pojedinačnih dimenzija 75x75 Combined technique Polypeptes of individual dimensions 75x75 O radu Rad predstavlja introspekciju kroz lično uživanje šećera, kao vid psihoanalize ili psihološkog autoportreta. Metoda istraživanja je preuveličavanje opsednutosti produktima prehrambene industrije povlačenjem paralele izmedju bolesti zavisnosti I konzumacije namirnica čiji je glavni sastojak šećer. Polazim od pretpostavke da receptori koji se nalaze na jeziku u dodiru sa šećerom, šalju mozgu direktnu informaciju da se radi o nečemu sto je ukusno, slasno, što prouzrokuje lučenje supstance dopamina u organizmu koja utiče direktno na osećaj sreće. Neke naučne studije pokazuju da je šećerna zavisnost veća od kokainske zavisnosti, a uskraćivanje konzumacije slatkiša može izazvati simptome apstinencijalne krize, slične onima koje osećaju bivši pušači, zavisnici od morfijuma i alkoholičari. Suštinska ideja rada je naša potreba za bežanjem od realnosti u slatki svet imaginarnog, nepostojećeg, iluzije gde slatko ne predstavlja ništa osim prividne sreće. Slatko je veza sa detinjstvom i nasa potreba da zivimo u prošlosti, u vremenu kad je sve bilo lakše, lepše, iako takvo vreme zapravo nikada nije ni postojalo, jer vreme prošlosti nosi određenu sigurnost, nema neizvesnosti sadašnjice ili nepoznatu budućnost, ono za sigurno ima pozitivan ishod, makar u našem pamćenju, ili čak mašti I izmišljenom. Rad je bekstvo autora u svet u kome slatko preovladava, a osecaj mučnine koji se javlja na samu pomisao konzumiranja izloženog šećera je sarkazam na racun mučnine od prevelikog i neumerenog konzumiranja zadovoljstva. About work The work presents introspection through personal delight in sugar, as a form of psychoanalysis or a psychological self-portrait. The method of research is exaggerating the obsession with the food industry's products by drawing a parallel between the addiction and food intake of the foods whose main ingredient is sugar. I proceed from the assumption that receptors in a language in contact with sugar send the brain direct information that it is something tasty and delicious, causing the secretion of the substance dopamine in an organism that affects directly the sense of happiness. Some scientific studies show that sugar dependence is higher than cocaine dependence, and the denial of sweets can cause symptoms of abstinent crises, similar to those experienced by ex-smokers, morphine addicts, and alcoholics. The essential idea of work is our need for running from reality into a sweet world of imaginary, non-existent, illusion where sweet does not represent anything but apparent happiness. Sweet is the connection with childhood and our need to live in the past, at a time when it was all easier, more beautiful, although such a time actually never existed, because the time of the past has some certainty, there is no uncertainty of the present or an unknown future, it is for sure a positive outcome, at least in our memory, or even imaginative and fictitious. It is the author's escape to the world in which the sweet predominates, and the feeling of nausea that occurs on the very thought of consuming exposed sugar is a sarcasm at the expense of nausea from excessive and excessive consumption of pleasure.

Sugar life
Kombinovana tehnika Dimenzije 40x40 cm Combined technique Dimensions 40x40 cm O radu Rad predstavlja introspekciju kroz lično uživanje šećera, kao vid psihoanalize ili psihološkog autoportreta. Metoda istraživanja je preuveličavanje opsednutosti produktima prehrambene industrije povlačenjem paralele izmedju bolesti zavisnosti I konzumacije namirnica čiji je glavni sastojak šećer. Polazim od pretpostavke da receptori koji se nalaze na jeziku u dodiru sa šećerom, šalju mozgu direktnu informaciju da se radi o nečemu sto je ukusno, slasno, što prouzrokuje lučenje supstance dopamina u organizmu koja utiče direktno na osećaj sreće. Neke naučne studije pokazuju da je šećerna zavisnost veća od kokainske zavisnosti, a uskraćivanje konzumacije slatkiša može izazvati simptome apstinencijalne krize, slične onima koje osećaju bivši pušači, zavisnici od morfijuma i alkoholičari. Suštinska ideja rada je naša potreba za bežanjem od realnosti u slatki svet imaginarnog, nepostojećeg, iluzije gde slatko ne predstavlja ništa osim prividne sreće. Slatko je veza sa detinjstvom i nasa potreba da zivimo u prošlosti, u vremenu kad je sve bilo lakše, lepše, iako takvo vreme zapravo nikada nije ni postojalo, jer vreme prošlosti nosi određenu sigurnost, nema neizvesnosti sadašnjice ili nepoznatu budućnost, ono za sigurno ima pozitivan ishod, makar u našem pamćenju, ili čak mašti I izmišljenom. Rad je bekstvo autora u svet u kome slatko preovladava, a osecaj mučnine koji se javlja na samu pomisao konzumiranja izloženog šećera je sarkazam na racun mučnine od prevelikog i neumerenog konzumiranja zadovoljstva. About work The work presents introspection through personal delight in sugar, as a form of psychoanalysis or a psychological self-portrait. The method of research is exaggerating the obsession with the food industry's products by drawing a parallel between the addiction and food intake of the foods whose main ingredient is sugar. I proceed from the assumption that receptors in a language in contact with sugar send the brain direct information that it is something tasty and delicious, causing the secretion of the substance dopamine in an organism that affects directly the sense of happiness. Some scientific studies show that sugar dependence is higher than cocaine dependence, and the denial of sweets can cause symptoms of abstinent crises, similar to those experienced by ex-smokers, morphine addicts, and alcoholics. The essential idea of work is our need for running from reality into a sweet world of imaginary, non-existent, illusion where sweet does not represent anything but apparent happiness. Sweet is the connection with childhood and our need to live in the past, at a time when it was all easier, more beautiful, although such a time actually never existed, because the time of the past has some certainty, there is no uncertainty of the present or an unknown future, it is for sure a positive outcome, at least in our memory, or even imaginative and fictitious. It is the author's escape to the world in which the sweet predominates, and the feeling of nausea that occurs on the very thought of consuming exposed sugar is a sarcasm at the expense of nausea from excessive and excessive consumption of pleasure.



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