Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Tijana Radenković

Mi nismo samo Mi / We are not only Us 2017
Projekat “Mi nismo samo Mi” predstavlja nastavak dosadašnje prakse koja se tiče eksperimenta sa telom, bio materijala i arhiviranja istih. Predmeti za ličnu higijenu u fiziološkom i estetskom smislu su objekti ljudskih potreba. Koristeći ih oni postaju živi elementi koji nose zapise i informacije sa našeg tela. Da li telo u tom slučaju biva preneseno na drugi predmet i nastavlja da živi i razvija se, jedno je od pitanja koje se postavlja u odnosu tela i objekata. Gde nastaje i gde prestaje njihova veza na mikro nivou i da li ikada prestaje? Project "We Are not Only We" is a continuation of the previous practice regarding the experiment with the body, the materials and the archiving of the same. Objects for personal hygiene in the physiological and aesthetic sense are objects of human need. Using them, they become living elements (new bodies) that carry records and information from our body. Whether the body is transferred to another object and continues to live and evolve is one of the questions raised in relation to bodies and objects. Where does it arise and where does their connection at micro level appears and does it ever stop?

Trenutno stanje/Umetnikova kolekcija / Current state/Artist's collection 2016
Projekat „Trenutno stanje“ predstavlja arhivu ličnih stvari umetnika kroz fotografije. Preuzimanje predmeta nastalih u procesu masovne produkcije, jeste opšti čin koji je karakterističan za proces kreiranja ličnih kolekcija. Lični predmeti u ovom slučaju bivaju označeni kao „objekti“, popisani po brojevima, smešteni u određene kategorije. Ovim postupkom isti postaju depersonalizovani, pretočeni u fotografske dokumente koji podsećaju na primere iz kataloga potrošačke kulture, pa se i posmatrač u većini slučajeva identifikuje sa njima. Ova arhiva deluje u određenom prostoru i vremenu, ovi predmeti jesu privatni, ali ovim činom prestaju da budu i postaju objekti od sveopšteg značaja. Ovaj rad otvara mnoga pitanja, a ona se tiču sociološkog, ekonomskog, potrošačkog ali i političkog aspekta Project "Current state" represents an archive of personal belongings of the artist through photographs. Taking object created in the process of mass production, is a general act which is characteristic of the process of creating personal collection. Personal things in this case are referred to as "objects" are listed by numbers, stored in a particular category. Through this process it becomes depersonalized, transformed into photographic documents that resemble examples from the catalog of consumer culture, so the observer in the most cases identify with them. This archive works in a particular space and time, these objects are private, but this act cease to be and become objects of universal significance. This in many ways raises many questions, and it is related to social, economic, consumer but also a political aspect.

Umetnikov portret / Artist's portrait 2014
Rad je izveden u službi arhivskog postupka, u vidu sakupljanja uzoraka bakterija sa sopstvenog tela. Uzorci su preneti u okruženje pogodno za rast i razvijanje. Zbir prikupljenih bakterija prikazuje prisustvo nevidljivih organizama na telu domaćina. The work was performed in the service of the archive process, in the form of collection of bacteria from my own body. The samples were transferred to an environment conducive to growth and development. The sum of the collected bacteria showing the presence of invisible organisms on the body of the host.



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