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Ivana Ranisavljević

Lov/The Hunt
"Lov ", performans 2017. Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević Trajanje: 1h Co-Creation Live Factory Prologue I, Venice International Performance Art Week, Venecija, Italija Koncept ovog rada je višeslojan ali se u samoj osnovi bavi problematikom tri pitanja: karaktera/karakternosti, zapisivanja radi zaboravljanja i vidljivosti, odnosno „čitanja“ namere aktera. Koji se značaj daje karakternosti u savremenom dobu i kakvu promenu u drštvu donosi gubitak/mutacija te vrednosti? Zapisivanje svega što nas duboko pomera, menja, inspiriše- da li daje još veću snagu tim rečima ili se pamćenje time pohranjuje? Treće pitanje izraženo je u vizuelnoj estetici, minimalistički i poetično. Umetnica leži nepomično na stomaku u mraku. Svojom desnom rukom, repetativno piše (tušem i perom) reči: „habit-action-hunt“ po belim listovima papira, do momenta kada automatski počinje da ispisuje svoj trenutni emocionalno-psihološki doživljaj. Svetlost lampe u blizini glave, osvetljava ruku (glavnog aktera) i papir. Glava je okrenuta u suprotnom pravcu od ruke kojom piše - odsustvo vida/kontrole u pisanju, namerno oduzetog elementa, gde se povlači paralela sa oduzimanjem elementa radnji/akciji, odnosno navici i time narušavanja konstrukta i postojanja istih. "The Hunt" 2017 Author: Ivana Ranisavljević Duration: 1h Co-Creation Live Factory Prologue I, Venice International Performance Art Week, Venice, Italy There are several layers in the concept of this work but three basic subjects: character/nobility, writing to be forgotten and visibility viz reading intent of the performer. What is the value of character in the modern age and what kind of change in the society could brings its lost/mutation? Writing all what moves us deeply, transform us and inspire us- does it get more powerful by writing or it buries the memory of it? Third subject lay in visual aesthetic, minimal and poetic. Artist is laying motionless on her stomach in the dark. With her right hand she’s writing in repetition (with feather and ink) words: „habit-action-hunt“, on white papers until she starts to write automatically her emotional-psychological experience. Light from the lamp near by falls on her hand (main performer) and paper. Her head is turned in opposite way of the hand- absence of sight/control in writing, intentionally removed element, where parallel is withdrawn with removing the element from the action/habit and therefor its construct and subsistence are broken.

Volim te. Žao mi je. Molim te oprosti mi. Hvala ti./ I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
"Volim te. Žao mi je. Molim te oprosti mi. Hvala ti." performans Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević 2015. Trajanje: 6h Umetnički projekat Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Nacionalna biblioteka Kosova, Priština, Kosovo Link: 2016. Trajanje: 3h III Venice International Performance Art Week, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy U ovom performansu umetnica se bavi pitanjem ljubavi, preuzimanjem odgovornosti, davanjem oprosta i izmirenja; nacionalnog i jezičkog identiteta i konflikta kao posledice neosvešćenog, nesavesnog i neetičnog pozivanja na njih. U Prištini (2015.), za vreme šestočasovnog izvođenja, umetnica izgovara na engleskom i srpskom jeziku 4 rečenice/mantre, preuzete iz tradicionalne havajske prakse, a urezuje ih skalpelom na prednjoj strani svog torzoa na albanskom jeziku (s kosovskim dijalektom). U Veneciji (2016.), izgovara ih na engleskom, urezuje na srpskom jeziku. "I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." performance Author: Ivana Ranisavljević 2015 Duration: 6h Art project Baushtellё: Balkan Temple National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo 2016 Duration: 3h III Venice International Performance Art Week, Venice Italy In this performance, artist deals with issues about love, taking responsibility, forgiveness and reconciliation; national and language identity and conflict as a result of the unconscious, conscienceless and unethical reference to these identities. During six hours performance,in Pristina (in 2015), artist pronounces in English and Serbian, 4 sentences/mantras, taken from old Hawaiian practice Ho’oponopono and cuts it into her skin in torso, in Albanian (with Kosovo dialect). In 2016 in Venice, same wards she spoke in English and wrote in Serbian.

Am I
"Am I", performans 2015. Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević Trajanje: 6h Umetnički projekat Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Kalemegdan, Beograd, Srbija Link za video: 2016. Trajanje: 3h III Venice International Performance Art Week, Venice, Italy U ovom radu umetnica se bavi pitanjem slobode čoveka kao ljudskog bića i njegovih osnovnih prava, definisanih u Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima i slobodama, čija je potpisnica i Republika Srbija. U šestočasovnom trajanju performansa u Beogradu i tročasovnom u Veneciji, umetnica čita član po član deklaracije u obrnutom refleksu u ogledalu, koje je postavljeno pod kosinom, na stolu ispred nje. Iza njenih leđa postavljene su 4 table sa odštampanim članovima ove deklaracije dostupnih pogledu publike. U toku čitanja, umetnica postepeno zašiva sebi usne, do trenutka kada više ne može da izgovara reči. "Am I", performance 2015 Author: Ivana Ranisavljević Duration: 6h Art project Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Kalemegdan, Belgrade, Serbia 2016 Duration: 3h III Venice International Performance Art Week, Venice, Italy In this performance artist deals with the issue of freedom and basic human rights, defined in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose signature is also RSerbia. In six hours performance (in Belgrade and 3 hours durationa in Venice), artist reads one by one article of the Declaration from reversed mirror reflection, which is set at an angle on the table in front of her. Behind her back, there are 4 panels set on the wall, with printed articles of the Declaration, available for reading to audience. During her reading, artist progressively sews her lips together with a needle and a thread, by the moment when she can’t reads/speaks no more.



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