Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Dejan Clement

Projekat za polaznu tačku ima konkretan odnos, cilja ka konkretnoj osobi i ide ka konkretnom cilju - disciplinovanju emocija. Ovaj proces je postupan, dugotrajan i mučan, što paradoksalno upućuje upravo na suprotan ishod - I am not done with you. U ovom projektu akcenat se stavlja na repetativnost, jednostavan koncept ispisivanja iste rečenice iznova i iznova, svakodnevno, više meseci. Projekat čine: Dva ispunjena dnevnika sa po 57 listova; Rolna papira od 75 metara; Ispisan zid 5,25x3,70m. Project for the starting point has particular relationship, towards particular person and it has particular goal – disciplining emotions. This process is gradual, time-consuming and painful, which paradoxically goes in contradiction – I am not done with you. In this project, repetition is most important part, easy concept of writing the same words again and again, every day, for several months. In project there are: 2 journals with 57 pages; Roll of paper 75 meters long, Wall of 5,25x3,70 meters.

Nastao u okviru projektne celine pod nazivom Tu nisam tu, ovaj rad, kao i projekat kojeg je deo, upućuje na potpuno suprotne zaključke od naziva Departure, trebao bi da govori zapravo o nemogućnosti odlaska, psihološkim i drugim barijerama, koje nas dele od naših ciljeva i vizije o sebi u budućnosti. Razne stvari nas vezuju i obavezuju da ostanemo nepomični, sputani i zarobljeni u vremenu i prostoru koje više ne osećamo kao naše vreme i naš prostor, nemoćni da pronađemo put i potreban kapacitet za stvarne promene udaljavamo se od suštine ovog mentalnog zatočeništva, a ona je u tome, da su naša lična sreća i prostor lične slobode uvek vredniji od svega drugog. U performansu je istaknut besmisao jedne radnje kojoj prisustvujemo, ralan sukob fizičkog i mentalnog i sva ironija iščekivanja srećnog kraja. This performance is part of larger project named here but not here. As well as the whole project this work also goes in opposite direction from its name. It should tell us a story about inability to walk away, psychological and other kind of barriers that separates us from our goals and visions of ourselves in future. Many different things bound us to stay still, restricted and imprisoned in time and space that we don’t feel any more as our time and our space. Unable to find our way and needed capacity for real changes we are step by step further away from the essence of this mental imprisonment, and that is that our personal happiness and freedom is always more important than anything else. In this performance nonsense is underlined in one act that we observe, real war between physical and mental and the irony of waiting for a happy ending.

Polusatni eksperimentalni film nastajao u Holandiji u okviru od 40 dana februara-marta 2018. Statistika: 40 dana, 7 gradova, 5 stanova, 3 kuće, 10 ljudi, 2 mačke i 1 pas. Boravak u Holandiji bio je isključivo u okvirima Kaučsurfovanja, aplikacije za alternativna putovanja. Upravo zbog prirode ovog sistema put postaje nepredvidiv i malo toga zavisi od vas. Ovo gubljenje kontrole nužno nije i gubljenje granica, odgovornosti i morala, sve što će se dogoditi kada se vrata nečijeg doma za vas otvore je proizvod međusobnog poverenja i onoga sa čime su obe strane zadovoljene. U proseku svaki treći dan se nalazite u novom krevetu nekog novog grada, pa vaš put nije gde bi ste vi želeli da budete, koliko gde vas žele da ugoste. Od raskošnih kuća do socijalnog stanovanja, od francuskih ležajeva, preko deljenja kreveta, do spavanja na dušeku na podu nedovršene spavaće sobe, upoznajući najrazličitije ljude, po starosnoj, profesionalnoj ili etničkoj kategoriji, nalazite se u bezgraničnom polju otvorenosti i stalnom adaptiranju na novo novo. Kao što celokupan put nije promišljen i planiran, osim kada i kako doći od Srbije do Holandije, tako i film nema scenario i uslovljen je koliko i autor razvojem događaja. Praktično od jedne aplikacije zavisi sve, od kompletnog sadržaja do likovnosti filma, čime opet dolazimo u direktnu vezu sa gubitkom kontrole. Stvaranje dokumentarnog filma koji to nije, baziranog na putopisu koji to nije, izvodeći performativne radnje koje nemaju radnju dolazi se do nepromišljenog neformalnog izraza prisutnog u filmu. U svemu tome ipak ima veoma mnogo Holandije, ali ne one na koju smo naučeni, već one privatne iza zavesa sa paternom vetrenjača, drvenih klompi, bicikala i tulipana. Ključna veza u filmu jeste performans koji bez znanja svojih domaćina izvodim u njihovim ličnim prostorima kada su na poslu, spavaju ili se tuširaju, pokušavajući da na taj način dobijem presek stanja u kojima se nalazim, pa tako ovaj film možemo promišljati kao putopis, ali ne toliko fizičke vrste koliko mentalne i emotivne. A half-hour experimental film created in the Netherlands in 40 days of February and March 2018. Statistics: 40 days, 7 cities, 5 apartments, 3 houses, 10 people, 2 cats and 1 dog. Staying in the Netherlands was exclusively within the frameworks of Couch Surfing, alternative travel application. It is precisely because of the nature of this system that the road becomes unpredictable and so little depends on you. This loss of control is not necessarily the loss of boundaries, responsibilities and morals. All that can happen when the door of someone's home opens for you is a product of mutual trust and what both sides are satisfied with. On average, every third day you are in the new bed of a new city, so your journey is not where you want, but where you are wanted to be. From luxurious houses to social housing, from French beds, through the shared ones, to sleeping on the mattress on the floor of an unfinished bedroom, getting to know the most diverse people, by age, professional or ethnic category, you are in a boundless field of openness and constant adaptation to a new new. As the whole trip wasn’t planned, except when and how to come from Serbia to the Netherlands, film also does not have a scenario and is conditioned as much as the author by the development of events. Practically one application is in charge of everything, from complete content of film to artistic expression, which again comes in direct contact with loss of control. Creating a documentary film that is not that, based on a travelogue that is not that, performing performative actions that do not have an action in it, we are coming to the unreasonable informal expression present in the film. In all this, however, there is a lot of the Netherlands, not the one we have learned about, but private one, behind the curtains with windmills, wooden piles, bicycles and tulips pattern. The key link in the movie is the performance that, without knowing of my hosts, I perform in their own personal spaces when they are at work, sleeping or taking a shower, trying to show the state of mind in which I am at the moment. So this film can be think of as a travelogue, but not physical as much as mental and emotional.



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