Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Biljana Milenović

Iščekivanje / Expectation
IŠČEKIVANJE (strana 9) Slika predstavlja grupu koja isčekuje ili čeka. Svi mi nešto čekamo. Tamnom pozadinom sam istakla crtež koji je za mene kao umetnika jako bitan da bude stilizovan a pritom da ne gubi svuju sustinu. Za mene ovo delo ima stav i jačinu. EXPECTATION (page 9) Paintings present a group that awaits or waits. We are all waiting on something. Dark background is used to highlight a paiting drawing that is very important for me as artist, especially its stylization and not to lose its essence. For me this art has attitude and strenght

Rat / War
IŠČEKIVANJE (strana 9) Slika predstavlja grupu koja isčekuje ili čeka. Svi mi nešto čekamo. Tamnom pozadinom sam istakla crtež koji je za mene kao umetnika jako bitan da bude stilizovan a pritom da ne gubi svuju sustinu. Za mene ovo delo ima stav i jačinu. EXPECTATION (page 9) Paintings present a group that awaits or waits. We are all waiting on something. Dark background is used to highlight a paiting drawing that is very important for me as artist, especially its stylization and not to lose its essence. For me this art has attitude and strenght

Skup / Gathering
SKUP (strana 15) Skupljamo se stalno slusamo posmatramo mislimo gledamo. Crtežom sam htela do odredjene mere da pokažem planove u radu, igra njihovih tela pokreta, pravi ritam i dinamiku jednog skupa. Pozadinu sam podslikala svelom nežnom bojom a crtežom pokazala njihov značaj GATHERING (page 15) We are getting together all the time, listening, observing, thinking, watching. With this drawing I wanted to present plans in work to certain extent, games of the movements of their bodies, real rhytm and dynamics of a gathering. Background is doe in light subtle colour and drawing expresses their significance.



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