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Katarina Petrović

Leksikon Liber Novus
/generisana knjiga, računarski program, crtež, 2016 3924 strana, tiraž 1 Leksikon Liber Novus je algoritmički generisana knjiga izvedena iz jednog stiha pesme Horhe Luis Borhesa. “We talked and you have forgotten the words.” Ovaj stih nalazi se u prvoj od dveju pesama pod nazivom Two English Poems, napisanih 1934. godine i finalno objavljenih u kolekciji pesama El Otro, El Mismo. Posvećene I.J. ove dve prozne pesme jesu jedna od retkih dela koje je Borhes posvetio nekome i jedine pesme koje je napisao na engleskom jeziku, a čijem se prevođenju protivio. Prateći pravilo da je svaka reč nepoznata, algoritam indeksuje i objašnjava sve reči u datoj rečenici, sve reči u objašnjenju, sve reči u tom objašnjenju i tako dalje. Prva reč u stihu dobija indeks, odnosno referencu na broj jedan, sledeća reč na broj dva i kako se nova, neindeksovana reč pojavljuje - unutar definicija već prethodno indeksovanih reči, ona dobija sledeći prirodni broj kako bi takođe bila objašnjena. Koristeći niz prirodnih brojeva za indeksiranje i organizaciju sadržaja i Oksfordski rečnih engleskog jezika kao izvor definicija reči, knjiga obuhvata ukupno 47.152 indeksovanih reči i preko dva miliona ukupno procesuiranih reči. Prema tome, da bi objasnili prvih osam reči stiha, 47.144 drugih reči moralo je da bude objašnjeno takođe. Spiralna ili kauzalna generacija reči i objašnjenja čini ovu knjigu svetom u kome su svi njegovi delovi sadržani i neraskidivo povezani jedni sa drugim. Blisko Godelovoj teoremi o nepotpunosti i modelu Lorensovog atraktora, popularno poznatog kao efekat leptira, ova knjiga, tj. algoritmički proces, istovremeno predstavlja suštinski beskrajan, izuzetno organizovan i haotičan sistem. Računarski program napisao: Jan Kees van Kampen Pomoć u pripremi za štampu: Gabor Kerekes Štampa i podrška: štamparija Repro van der Kamp, Hag Knjigovezac: Bronsgeest HABI, Leidschendam ENG /generated book, software, drawing, 2016 3924 pages, 1 copy Lexicon Liber Novus, is an algorithmically generated book derived from a single verse of a poem written by Jorge Luis Borges. ”We talked and you have forgotten the words.” The verse is found in the first of the two poems titled Two English Poems, written in 1934 and lastly published in the collection of poems El Otro, El Mismo. Inscribed to IJ, these two poems are one of the rare works which Borges dedicated to someone and are the only poems that he has ever written in English. Notably, he was against them being translated. Following a rule that every word is unknown, the algorithm indexes and explains all the words in the given sentence, all the words in the explanations, all the words in those explanations and so on. First word in the verse starts with an assigned reference to number one, second word to number two and as a new, unindexed word comes up - within the definitions of previously indexed words, it gets the next natural number assigned in order to be explained as well. Using the order of natural numbers for indexation and arrangement of contents, and an Oxford English Dictionary as a source of word definitions, the book encompasses 47.152 indexed words and more then 2 million processed words overall. Therefore, in order to explain the first 8 words, 47.144 other words needed to be explained as well. Spiral or causal generation of words and explanations makes this book a self-contained world where all its parts are intrinsically connected. Related to Gödel’s incompleteness theorem and to Lorentz attractor, popularly known as the “butterfly effect” this book, that is the algorithmic process, simultaneously represent essentially infinite, highly organized and a chaotic system. Software written by: Jan-Kees van Kampen Assistance in print preparation: Gabor Kerekes Printed and supported by: Repro- van de Kamp, The Hague Hand-binded by: Bronsgeest HABI, Leidschendam

Cosmologicus [Jupiter radio]
/instalacija, računarski program, digitalna projekcija, 2016 Cosmologicus je instalacija i specijalno napisan računarski program kojim se radio emisije planete Jupiter prevode u semantički tok. Koristeći databazu reči i brojeva stvorenu u radu Leksikon Liber Novus, nevidljivi redosled elektron čestica koje dolaze sa udaljene planete postaju razumljive uz pomoć jezika. Ili se makar tako čini. Poezija generisana Jupiterom, lišena gramatičkih ograničenja i izvajana kao katren (četvorostih), omogućava beskrajnu interpretaciju planetarnih emisija. Računar i posmatrač postaju mediji najveće planete našeg Solarnog sistema, vračevi mitološkog Jupitera, u pokušaju konstrukcije smisla i značenja generisanih podataka. Zanimljivo je kako se mitološki opisi Jupitera podudaraju sa našim znanjem prirodnog radija. Kako smo do sada identifikovali dva izvora prirodnih radio emisija - munje i astronomske objekte, opisi rimskog boga Jupitera izgledaju upadjivo podudarni sa naučnim činjenicama. Astronomski objekat Jupiter je jedina planeta sa ne-termalnim radio emisijama u našem Solarnom sistemu, čineći ga sličnom neutronskoj zvezdi odnosno pulsaru, koji kao i Sunce emituje na širokom spektru frekvencija od kojih su neke primetljive na Zemlji. Dalje, Jupiterova simbolička reprezentacija predstavlja vrhovnog boga neba, čoveka sa munjom u ruci. Instalacija se sastoji od računarskog programa, projekcije pokretnog teksta u crnoj vodi kao i zapisa radio emisija koji se može čuti na slušalicama. Audio zapisi prikupljeni su od edukacijskog projekta Radio Jove pod pokroviteljstvom NASA-e, odnosno Heliotown observatorijuma u Novom Meksiku (SAD). Računarski program napisan sa Mirkom Lazovićem. ENG /installation, custom-made software, digital projection, 2016 Cosmologicus is an installation and a custom made software that translates radio emissions from the planet Jupiter into a semantic stream. Using the word-number database generated in the work Lexicon Liber Novus, the invisible order of electron particles coming from the distant planet, is made intelligible through language. Or so it seems. Jupiter generated poetry, devoid from grammar constraints and sculpted as a quatrain, gives way to an infinite interpretation of planet's emissions. The computer and the spectator become mediums of the largest planet of our Solar system, oracles of the mythological Jupiter, attempting to construct sense and meaning from the generated data. It is interesting how mythological accounts of Jupiter coincide with our knowledge of natural radio. Having identified only two sources of natural radio emissions - those generated by lightning and those emitted by astronomical objects, the accounts we have of the Roman god Jupiter seem strikingly congruent with scientific facts. The astronomical object Jupiter is the only planet with non-thermal radio emissions in our Solar system; a planet similar to neutron star, a pulsar, which like the Sun emits on broad range of frequencies, some of which are observable from Earth. Further, Jupiter's symbolical representation coincidentally includes the lightning, which the god of sky holds in his hand. The installation comprises of the software, a projected moving text in the black water cube and an original radio emissions recording that can be heard on the headphones. The audio recordings have been collected from NASA's education and outreach project Radio Jove and affiliated Heliotown Observatory in New Mexico. Software written with Mirko Lazović.

Femkanje, Radio mapping the independent scene
/audio instalacija, 2015 Radio mapiranje nezavisne scene je 16-to kanalna audio instalacija koja obuhvata celokupni prvi serijal radio emisija Femkanje. Ukupno šezdesetčetiri emisije, emitovane na NOFM radiju u periodu od marta 2013. do juna 2014. godine, mapirane su na šesnaest zasebnih zvučnika i distribuirane po mesecima produkcije. Sve emisije puštene simultano čine da se više od sedamdeset nezavisnih akterki/a, na razjedinjenoj i slabo organizovanoj sceni, najzad čuju u jednom glasu. Prostor ispunjen glasovima stvara naročiti “coctail party” efekat u kome pubilka uspeva da čuje pojedinačne dijaloge samo uz dodatni napor. Instalacija je propraćena detaljnom i hronološki uređenom listom svih sagovornica/ka, kao i odeljkom za izdvojeno slušanje emisija. Instalacija je prvi put prikazana je na 21. Međunarodnom festivalu savremene umetnosti Mesto Žensk u Ljubljani, a u okviru izložbe Zig Zag, 2015. godine. Na poziv kustosa i teoretičara Borisa Grojsa (Boris Groys) instalacija je potom bila prikazana na 8. Trijenalu savremene umetnosti U3, održanog prošle godine pod nazivom Beyond the Globe u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u Ljubljani. Propratni tekst On the topic of Cosmos, komentar na kustoski okvir Borisa Grojsa, možete pročitati ovde: Femkanje (Bojana S. Knežević, Katarina Petrović) je podkast, umetnički i medijski projekat, posvećen savremenoj umetnosti i kulturi u Srbiji, ex-YU regionu i Evropi. Stavljajći poseban akcenat na modele nezavisne produkcije i samo-organizacije u savremenoj kulturi, kao i na medijsku vidljivost i rodnu ravnopravnost, Femkanje teži da doprinese razumevanju savremene umetnosti u Srbiji. Tehnička podrška: Martin Lovšin Schintr Produkcija podržana od strane MG+MSUM, Ljubljana / Mesto Žensk, Zaklada Kultura nova i CONA Institut za procesuiranje savremene umetnosti, Ljubljana Fotografije: Matija Pavlovec i Dejan Habicht, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana ENG Femkanje | Radio mapping the independent scene audio installation, 2015 Radio Mapping the Independent Scene is a 16 channel audio installation presenting the first season of the radio show Femkanje. Total of 64 shows, broadcasted on NOFM radio from March 2013 to June 2014, are mapped onto 16 separate speakers representing 16 months of work. All of the shows are played simultaneously giving rise for more then 70 independent actors, of disunited and poorly organised scene, to finally be heard in one voice. The room filled with voices creates a particular “cocktail party” effect, where the audience can hear a single dialogue only with additional effort. The installation is followed by a chronologically ordered and detailed list of all of the speakers and with a booth where you can listen to a selected episode in full as well. The installation was first shown at the 21. International festival of contemporary arts - City of Women in Ljubljana, as part of the Zig Zag exhibition in 2015. Later, at the invitation of the curator and theoretician Boris Groys, the installation was shown at the 8. Triennial of contemporary art - U3, held last year under the title Beyond the Globe at Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. An accompanying text of the installation On the topic of Cosmos, commentary to the curatorial framework of Boris Groys can be read here: Femkanje (Bojana S. Knežević, Katarina Petrović) is a podcast, art and media project dedicated to contemporary arts and culture in Serbia, ex-Yugoslavian region and Europe. With a special emphasis on independent productions and self-organisation in contemporary culture, as well as on media visibility and gender equality, the show aims to contribute to the understanding of contemporary arts in Serbia. Technical support: Martin Lovšin Schintr Production supported by: MG+MSUM Ljubljana / City of Women festival, Zaklada Kultura nova and CONA - Institute for promotion of contemporary art, Ljubljana Photographs: Matija Pavlovec and Dejan Habicht, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana



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