Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Sonja Radaković

Izložba Voli me koncipirana je kao debitantsko predstavljanje projekta Kurvanje hrvatskoj publici. Rad provocira instant prihvatanje i odobravanje lokalne sredine a zasnovan je na razmišljanju o autocenzuri. Ne odnosi se samo na aspekt ličnog identiteta već je kritika usmerena ka egocentričnosti autonomne umetnosti i njen ambivalntni moralni karakter koji je istovremeno naklonjen revolucionarnim idejama umetnika ali i fantazijama klijenta. Reč je o umetnosti koja je zarad sopstvenog opstanka na tržištu primorana da svoje stavove umotava u dopadljivesadržaje. Hrvatska zastava je izabrana spram države u kojoj se izložba realizuje ali ovaj primer može da se prevede i primeni u bilo kojoj drugoj državi. Instistiranje na nacionalnim obeležjima nipodaštava nacionalnost jer umetnost govori univerzalnim jezikom i nije nacionalno opredeljena. -- The exhibition and artwork Love me was specially designed for debut presentation of the Whoredome project to Croatian audience. That work provokes the instant approval of the local community and it is based on the aforementioned self-censorship. This doesn’t apply only to the aspect of personal identity, it is also a criticism aimed towards egocentric autonomous art and its morally ambivalent nature that is inclined towards revolutionary artist’s ideas and client’s fantasies and the same time. It is about art that is forced to wrap its ideas and attitudes into appealing contents to be able to survive on the market. The Croatian flag is chosen because of the country where this exhibition is taking place, but this example can be translated and applied in any other country. National characteristics are not important because art speaks in a universal language and is not nationally committed.

Autorsko izdanje kalendara za 2016. godinu. Poslat kao novogodišnji poklon sledećim umetničkim institucijama: Kulturni centar Beograd, Nezavisna umetnička organizacija Remont, Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Muzej savremene umetnosti Beograd, Dom omladine Beograd, Kulturni centar Požega, Galerija savremene umetnosti Niš, Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojovodine, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti Rijeka, MSUM Ljubljana, Umjetnička galerija BiH, Muzej savremene umjetnosti Ars Aevi. -- Auteur edition of calendar for 2016 that was sent as a New Year gift to next art institutions: Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Remont Independent art organistion, Centre for Cultural Decontamination, Museum of Contemporarz Art of Belgrade, Youth House Belgrade, Požega Cultural Centre, Gallery of Contemporary Art of Niš, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Museum of Contemporary Arts of Zagreb, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Arts of Rijeka, POPUP Art Organisation Osijek, MCAM Ljubljana, Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Museum of Contemporary Art Ars Aevi.

Šestočasovni performans u javnom prostoru tokom koga umetnica prikazuje svoju trenutnu poziciju. Performans je realizovan uz podršku Baushtelle: Balkan Temple rezidencijalnog programa. -- During a six-hour motionless, public space performance, the artist represented her current professional position. The performance was carried out in Belgrade, under the sponsorship of Baushtelle: Balkan Temple residency.



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