Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Ivana Ranisavljević

Average Human
Performans „Prosečan čovek“ Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević Trajanje: 6h (šest časova) Umetnički projekat Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Frauminsterska rkva, Cirih Švajcarska, 2015. Link: Performans , „Prosečan čovek“ izveden je u Cirihu, 2015. godine, u sklopu umetničkog projekta Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, kao saradnje 30 umetnika iz Ciriha, Beograda i Prištine. U sklopu istog projekta umetnica je izvela još dva različita performansa, u Beogradu i Prištini, a sve na temu „U šta ti veruješ?“, koja je bila glavna tema ovog projekta. U ovom performansu, umetnica iznosi svoj stav i verovanje u moć stvaralaštva i umetnosti uopšte. Tokom šestočasovnog performansa, umetnici su otvorene vene koje krvare, na obe ruke dok periodično čita pesmu Čarlsa Bukovskog „Genije prosečnosti“. Svako čitanje otvara i zatvara izjavom: „Ja sam prosečan čovek“. Sama pesma jeste kritički osvrt i provokacija mediokriteta i prosečnosti i njihove opasnosti i razornosti po ljudski duh i bivstvo. Performance „Average Human“ Author: Ivana Ranisavljević Duration: 6h (six hours) Art project Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Fraumunster Church, Zurich, Switzerland, 2015 Link: Performance „Average Human“ was performed in Zurich, in 2015, as part of the art project Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, collaboration between 30 artists from Zurich, Belgrade and Pristina. As part of the same project, artist performed two more different performances, in Belgrade and Pristina, on the subject „What do you believe in?“, which was the main theme of the project. In this performance, artist present her statement and her belief in the power of creativity and art in general. During six hours performance, both veins on artist’s arms are open and bleeds while she is reading, periodically Charles Bukowski poem „The Genius of the Crowd“. Every reading she opens and closes with the pronouncement: „I am the average human.“ This poem itself is critical review and provocation on mediocrity and its danger and destructivness on human spirit and life itself.

Am I?
Performans “Am I?” Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević Trajanje: 6h (šest sati) Umetnički projekat Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Kalemegdan, Beograd, Srbija, 2015. Link za video: Performans „Am I?“, izveden je na Kalemegdanu u Beogradu, 2015. godine, u sklopu umetničkog projekta Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, kao saradnje 30 umetnika iz Ciriha, Beograda i Prištine. U sklopu istog projekta umetnica je izvela još dva različita performansa, u Prištini i Cirihu, a sve na temu „U šta ti veruješ?“, koja je bila glavna tema ovog projekta. U ovom performansu umetnica se bavi pitanjem slobode čoveka kao ljudskog bića i njegovih osnovnih prava, definisanih u Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima i slobodama, čija je potpisnica i RSrbija. U šestočasovnom trajanju performansa, umetnica čita član po član deklaracije u obrnutom refleksu u ogledalu, koje je postavljeno pod kosinom ispred nje, na stolu. Iza njenih leđa postavljene su 4 table sa odštampanim članovima ove deklaracije (obratno reflektovanog imidža u ogledalu), dostupnih pogledu publike. U toku čitanja, umetnica postepeno zašiva sebi usne, do trenutka kada više ne može da izgovara reči. Performance „Am I?“ Author: Ivana Ranisavljević Duration: 6h (six hours) Art project Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Kalemegdan, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015 Link: Performance „Am I?“, was performed at Kalemegdan in Belgrade, in 2015, as part of the art project Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, collaboration between 30 artists from Zurich, Belgrade and Pristina. As part of the same project, artist performed two more different performances, in Pristina and Zurich, on the subject „What do you believe in?“, which was the main theme of the project. In this performance artist deals with the issue of freedom and basic human rights, defined in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whose signatore is also RSerbia. In six hours performance, artist reads one by one article of the Declaration from reversed mirror reflection, which is set at an angle on the table in front of her. Behind her back, there are 4 panels set on the wall, with printed articles of the Declaration, available for reading to audience. During her reading, artist progressively sews her lips together with a needle and a thread, by the moment when she can’t reads/speaks no more.

I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
Performans „Volim te. Žao mi je. Molim te oprosti mi. Hvala ti.“ Autor: Ivana Ranisavljević Trajanje: 6h (šest časova) Umetnički projekat Baushtellё: Balkan Temple Nacionalna biblioteka Kosova, Priština, Kosovo, 2015. Link: Performans , „Volim te. Žao mi je. Molim te oprosti mi. Hvala ti.“ izveden je u Prištini, 2015. godine, u sklopu umetničkog projekta Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, kao saradnje 30 umetnika iz Ciriha, Beograda i Prištine. U sklopu istog projekta umetnica je izvela još dva različita performansa, u Beogradu i Cirihu, a sve na temu „U šta ti veruješ?“, koja je bila glavna tema ovog projekta. U ovom performansu umetnica se bavi pitanjem ljubavi, preuzimanjem odgovornosti, davanjem oprosta i izmirenja; nacionalnog i jezičkog identiteta i konflikta kao posledice neosvešćenog, nesavesnog i neetičnog pozivanja na njih. Za vreme šestočasovnog izvođenja, umetnica izgovara na engleskom i srpskom jeziku 4 rečenice/mantre, preuzete iz tradicionalne havajske prakse, a urezuje ih skalpelom na prednjoj strani svog torzoa na albanskom jeziku (s kosovskim dijalektom). Ispred nje je ovčja koža, kao univerzalni simbol žrtve. Performance „I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.“ Author: Ivana Ranisavljević Duration: 6h (six hours) Art project Baushtellё: Balkan Temple National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo, 2015 Performance „I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.“, was performed in Pristina, in 2015, as part of the art project Baushtelle: Balkan Temple, collaboration between 30 artists from Zurich, Belgrade and Pristina. As part of the same project, artist performed two more different performances, in Belgrade and Zurich, on the subject „What do you believe in?“, which was the main theme of the project. In this performance, artist deals with issues about love, taking responsibility, forgiveness and reconciliation; national and language identity and conflict as a result of the unconscious, conscienceless and unethical reference to these identities. Piece about forgiveness and reconciliation. If one would take complete responsibility for one's life, then everything one sees, hears, tastes, touches, or in any way experiences would be one's responsibility because it is in one's life. The problem would not be with our external reality, it would be with ourselves. To change our reality, we would have to change ourselves. Total Responsibility advocates that everything exists as a projection from inside the human being. Any error that a person clears in their own consciousness should be cleared for everyone. During six hours performance, artist pronaunces in English and Serbian, 4 sentences/mantras, taken from old Hawaiian practice and cuts it into her skin on torsoe in Albanian (with Kosovo dialect). In front of her there is a sheep skin as universal symbol of sacrifice.



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