Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Emilija Radojičić

Dreaming room
U sobi na tavanu napuštene vojne bolnice u Vlaškoj ulici u Zagrebu pokušala sam da stvorim utisak beskonačnog prostora i vremena, te time pomaknem objektivnu realnost. Rad je realizovan u sklopu MUU festivala u Zagrebu, 2014. In an attic room of an old military hospital at Vlaška street in Zagreb I tried to evoke the feeling of endless space and time, and by doing so, to shift objective reality. This work was made within MUU festival in Zagreb in 2014.

~Vis Major~
Kroz skoro ritualno posvećivanje procesu crtanja i stvaranja, u poslednjem periodu rada eksperimentišem sa ‘’pletenjem’’ unutrašnjih pejzaža i mapi kretanja kroz transcendentalna prostranstva i artikulisanjem obrisa svog unutrašnjeg, kao i svemira koji nas sve okružuje. Samostalna izlozba je bila otvorena u umetnickom prostoru U10 u martu 2015. Through an almost ritual dedication to the processes of drawing and creating itself, in the latest period of creation i am experimenting with ‘’weaving’’ inner landscapes and maps of moving through transcendental plains and articulating with glimpses of my inner so as the outer universe that surrounds us all. Solo exhibittion was opened at U10 art space in March in 2015.



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