Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Mirza Dedać

Simulacija / Simulation
Simulacija je audio-vizuelna instalacija, koja se sastoji od (premontiranog) porno filma iz koga je otklonjen zvuk i audio snimka u vidu glasa koji naracijom prati radnju filma. Sinhronizovanjem porno filma, ili prevođenjem slike u zvuk, rad je zamišljen kao poigravanje čulima. Tok glasa kreće se neprekidno, ujednačenim tonom koj je izveden i simuliran uz pomoć Google Translate-a. Simulation is an audio-visual installation, which is consists of (assembled) porn movie from which the sound is rectified, and the audio recording in a voice narration follows the plot of the movie. Synchronizing a porno movie, or converting the image into sound, the work was conceived as playing with senses. The flow of voice moves continuously, uniform tone which is implemented and simulated by using Google Translate.

Igra likovnih elemenata / The game of visual elements
Potreba za svakodnevnim stvaranjem umetnosti, kao i potraga za inspiracijom najčešće se odvija i realizuje u ateljejima, i radnim prostorijama umetnika. U tom smislu kao glavnu dilemu umetnika nad praznim platnom predstavlja pitanje same inspiracije. Proces ovog rada odvijao se upravo u jednom takvom ambijentu, a realizovan je tehnikom masturbiranja na papiru. Rad je zabeležen u periodu od dvadeset dana uz pomoć video kamere. The need for creating art everyday, as well as search for inspiration usually takes place and being implemented in studios, and working spaces of artists. In this sense, as the main dilemma of artists blank canvas, itself is an issue of inspiration. The process of this work was carried out exactly in such a setting, and it was realized with the technique of masturbation on paper. The work was recorded in the period of twenty days with the video camera.

Postupak / Proceeding
Plakati sa uputstvom za heroinsku upotrebu lepljeni su u užem centru Beograda na mesta namenjena za javno informisanje građana. Zbog navedenog “neprimerenog” sadržaja plakati su vrlo brzo skinuti sa pomenutih mesta, a ceo incident je propraćen od strane medija kao I nekih društvenih mreža. Posters with instructions for heroin use were placed in the center of Belgrade, the places for the public information for the citizens. Because of this and "inappropriate" content posters were rapidly removed from the places mentioned, and the whole incident was followed by the media and some social networks.



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