Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Dragan Bibin

Unfinished #3
Samo da završim ovu sliku, ovu seriju i ovu izložbu. Konstantan osećaj da nemam dovoljno vremena da postignem ono čemu sam posvećen i strah da će moje delo ostati nezavršeno. Puno toga može da me prekine u radu, kao npr. iznenadna, smrtonosna bolest. Od ove ideje je krenula cela serija. U srednjem veku, u doba kuge, bič je bio sredstvo samokažnjavanja sa ciljem da se okaju gresi i na taj način produži vreme ili bar smanji kazna koju je Bog namenio ljudima. Na mojim slikama je zidar, neko koga bolest ili najava bolesti prekida u građenju. On primenjuje tu srednjevekovnu praksu na sebi, ali se čini da nije iskren. Zašto neko ko mrzi sebe, ko se stvarno kaje, ko krvnički udara po svojim leđima, nosi zaštitne rukavice, zaštitni šlem i čizme? Zašto se štiti ako se samopovređuje? U tome je ironija, bič postaje još jedno sredstvo samozaštite. Pitanje licemerja unutar vere, pitanje praznoverja kom pribegavamo kada se plašimo neizvesne budućnosti, pitanje kazne i kajanja, krhkosti postojanja... to su teme ove serije, u kojoj će do jeseni biti deset slika velikog formata. Sve slike su autoportreti. ___ This series is motivated by the sense of fragility of life, and particularly by the possibility of a sudden deadly disease. For me, as an artist, death isn’t frightful in that it would be the end of my life, but rather in that it would prevent me from finishing my work. I fear lacking time for making something that could possibly be timeless. A motif that is repeated in my work is self-flagellation. This is derived from a medieval practice in which people sought atonement for their sins by vigorously whipping themselves in public displays of penance. This approach to achieving redemption was most popular during the onslaught of the plague. By self-punishment this builder is trying to atone and extend time to finish his building. Ironically he is wearing gloves, boots and helmet. Why would someone who is flogging his back to shreds protect his hands? It appears that this reluctant self-punishment is just one more means of protection, like the gloves, boots and helmet are. Would this hypocritical self-sacrifice be enough to stave off the coming disease? This series will contain at least 10 large paintings by October.

Unfinished #1

Unfinished #4



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