Finale 2011 Producirani radovi Arhiva Finale 2012





Nataša Kokić


Drawing, 5 x 2 m , pencil on paper.

Growing up, I used to imagine that there was a landscape behind the last row of houses that I could see from my balcony. I used to stand there at dusk, looking at the space between two houses, and since I couldn't see anything except sky and the top of one tree, I would imagine that there was a meadow leading into the hills, instead of a huge factory that was really there. I noticed that the balconywas turned westwards and that became symbolic to me. In the nineties, everyone in the surroundings
thought that “the west” meant spiritual freedom and a normal, relaxed life. That new life was so close, right behind that last row of houses.
My work is dealing with the relationship between the individual
and society and how that relationship works; in what way society changes our views,our wishes and priorities. The works are depicting what sort of life we should lead, or what is offered in comparison to what we want.
They illustrate everyday situations and backdrops, representing the examples of how a normal life should look and feel. Those scenes were cloaked with melancholy, owing to the fact that our preferences have changed and that our wishes and longings will perhaps never come true. Therefore, the paintings and drawings were creating a hermetic world, parallel to the one that exists.

My latest works have a more optimistic feel.
They are depicting what you might call “safe places” - images andthoughts that can give usstrength and will to persist. The drawings are representations of (non)places,spaces that don't have a defined theme, like a patch of grass between two buildings.
Those spaces are intimate, a personification of some indeterminatedesire, that is yet to be discovered; it leads us onwards and gives us potency to create new narrative.


Bez naziva

Bez naziva


O meni

Rodjena 1979. godine u Beogradu.
Diplomirala je 2005. godine na  Fakultetu
likovnih umetnosti u Beograd, a magistirala je na istom fakultetu 2010. godine. 

Samostalne izlozbe - izbor:
2011 – Crtezi na papiru, galerija Remont, Beograd, Srbija;
2011 – Horizont, crtez na papiru, Magacin galerija, Beograd, Srbija;
2010 - Talog/Debris, slike, galerija Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti, Beograd, Srbija;  
2009 – Restauracija, Kulturni centar Beograda (KCB), Likovna galerija, Beograd, Srbija;
2009 – Slike, Galerija Ilije M. Kolarca, Beograd, Srbija;
2007 – Gradski prizori, galerija Remont, Beograd, Srbija;
2007 – The Life You’d like to Lead, Nacionalni muzej, Krusevac, Srbija;
2007 – Target market, galerija Doma omladine, Beograd, Srbija;
2006 -  Hiperrealno, Nezavisna umetnicka asocijacija IZBA, Novi Sad, Srbija;
2006 – Slike, Dom kulture Studenstki grad, Beograd, Srbija;
2006 – Crtezi, Galerija Ilije M. Kolarca, Beograd, Srbija;
2004 – Crtezi, Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, Srbija;

Izlozbe u pripremi:
2011 Oktobar – Crtezi, Snaga u nama, Kulturni centar Grad, Beograd;
Grupne izlozbe – izbor:
2011 – Mikser Festival, Beograd, Srbija;
2011 – Kunst Kamers Rotterdam, "Home is where you hang your Art", Rotterdam, Holandija;
2011 - Izlozba 33. saziva jalovicke kolonije, JLK, galerija Univrzitetske biblioteke l“Svetozar Markovic”, Beograd,
2010 – Izlozba 33. saziva jalovicke kolonije, JLK, Kulturni centar Jalovik, Srbija;
2010 - 23r. Umetnicki salon, Galerija 73, Beograd, Srbija;
2010 – 10. Bijenale Umetnosti  Minijature, Moderna galerija Kulturnog centra, Gornji Milanovac, Srbija;
2009 – El Centre Civic Drassanes, Projecte Cultural Erasme Janer, hosted by Casa Eslava Cultural centre, exhibition of
       Serbian artists, Barcelona, Spain;
2009 - Izrada murala za Vanløse Kulturhus, Kopenhagen, Danska;
2009 - Ny Serbisk Kunst, Vanløse Kulturhus, Kopenhagen, Danska;
2008 – Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, Srbija;
2008 – Centar za islandsku umetnost ( ), Reykjavik, Island;
2008 – KulturKontakt Austria i Henkel Art Award, izlozba finalista, Kuca legata, Beograd, Srbija;
2008 - Leonhardi kulturprojekte – Junge kunst aus Serbien und dem Kosovo, SiemensArtLab (kao deo galerije Ernst  
       Hilger Contemporary) Bec, Austrija;
2008 – Remake – Galerija savremene umetnosti, Smederevo, Srbija;
2007 – Mangelos nagrada – izlozba finalista – Kontekst galerija, Beograd, Srbija;
2007 - Mixed worlds – projekat izmedju finskih I srpskih mladih umetnika, Kulturni centar grada Tampere, Finska;
2007 - Plazma – izlozba mladih umetnika iz Srbije i sa Kosova, Leonhardi kulturprojekte, Karben - Frankfurt, Nemacka;         
2007 – Rimejk simuliranog, rimejk stvarnog, Kontekst galerija, Beograd, Srbija;
2007 - Crtezi studenata Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu, povodom 70.. godisnjice Fakulteta, Francuski kulturni  
       centar Beograd, Srbija;
2006 – 47. Oktobarski salon – „Life, art and confusion“, Beograd, Srbija; kustosi i selektori Rene Block i Barbara 
       Heinrich; radovi pohvaljeni od strane  Roberta Storra, clana zirija;
2006 – Festival slobodne kulture, Dom omladine Beograda, Serbia;
2006 – ULUS - novi clanovi, umetnicki paviljon “Cvijeta Zuzoric”, Beograd, Srbija;
2006 – Aprilski susreti, Studentski kulturni centar, Beograd, Srbija;
2005 – 6. sajam kratke elekrtonske forme - KEF 6, Kulturni centar REX, Beograd, Srbija;
2004 - XXXIII Izlozba crteza i skulptura malog formata studenata FLU, Dom omladine, Beograd, Srbija;
2001 – Izlozba nagradjenih radova, galerija Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti, Beograd, Srbija;
2000 – Bijenale studentskog crteza, Dom kulture Studentski grad, Beograd, Srbija;

2008 - KulturKontakt Austria i Henkel Art Award za crtez, predstavnik Srbije;
2006 – Nagrada galerije Ilija M. Kolarac za najbolju izlozbu u sezoni 2005/06, Beograd, Srbija;
2001 – Nagrada Fakuleta za crtez, Fakultet likovnih umetnosti, Beograd, Srbija;

2007 – Leonhardi kulturprojekte – Reenacting moments, Pristina, Kosova Art Gallery i Stacion Centar za 
       savremenu umetnost; Pristina;
2006 – „Outside project“, sa grupom „Next Question“ iz  Pittsburga, USA – Kontekst galerija, Beograd,


Rezidencijalni boravci:
2008 – Centar za islandsku umetnost ( ) i Udruzenje vizuelnih umetnika Islanda (SIM),Reykjavik, Island;

2007 -  Mangelos nagrada – prezentacija finalista – Kontekst galerija, Beograd, Srbija;
2007 –  Leonhardi kulturprojekte – Reenacting moments, Pristina, Kosova Art Gallery i Stacion Centar za savremenu              
        umetnost, Pristina;

Siemens kompanija, Bec, Austrija;
Ernst Hilger Contemporary, Bec, Austrija;


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